Example sentences of "there like a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was almost as though he had grown there like a vile fungus on the dead timber .
2 ‘ There he was a-sitting there like a scaly old bull . ’
3 ‘ Well , do n't stand there like a gormless eejit !
4 Say summat instead of lying there like a great mawker . ’
5 But certainly your heart 's ticking away there like a wee clock , it 's not
6 I just sat there like a real prat , and I thought
7 Wycliffe was asking questions almost at random , trying to stimulate some animation but Matthew sat there like a well-trained dog , ready to make a given response at the appropriate signal .
8 She stood there like a dark messiah with some unseen flock before her , and Pete could n't help but begin to assemble shapes out of the grainy darkness and to give them solidity and movement .
9 I just stood there like a punch-drunk boxer , taking the punishment she was handing out .
10 She had seen him surrounded by people shouting and screaming , ‘ Go on , my son ’ , not one of them down to lose or win as much as Jack , and he 'd just stand there like a beautiful , pale statue .
11 I was saying , oh yeah erm Shrimpy like , we , me and Scott were playing snooker and I , I came in to see if like , either of you , anyone else wanted to play doubles and like , Swimp , Shrimpy was just sat by himself in the middle of the floor , cross-legged just sat there like a little pixie or something !
12 He was suspended in mid-air , dangling there like a useless , discarded puppet .
13 ‘ Do n't sit there like a stuffed owl ! ’ she shouted at Peter .
14 When I prised her off and tried to stand her on the floor she kept rocking back and sitting on her tail , then falling over sideways and lying there like a stuffed parrot .
15 Well tough he 's not getting my , he 's not getting the ensuite room , I can tell you If I if I have got three lodgers and I 'm getting on with them and they 're they 're paying me regularly for the sake of an extra twenty pounds or whatever and the annoyance from Tony coming in at ten a or there abouts and then sitting there like a stuffed frock waiting for me to leap about and put food on a plate and microwave it not doing it , Brenda !
16 I stood there like a half-opened penknife , splattering the forecourt noisily .
17 It was a crock of shadow and dull rich colour , and Ruth crouched there like a white spider in her web , her beautiful ugly little face pierced by the blackness of the Scarabae eyes .
18 ‘ Shamus sitting there like a stuck pig , and Kevin lookin' at his teacup .
19 The cook stood there like a shrivelled bootlace , tight-lipped , implacable , disapproving .
20 Behind her , the flat expanse in the centre of the roof was dominated by something that perched there like a gigantic black dragonfly .
21 I was stuck there like a flying buttress between the floor and the pillar , and Jamie was still gibbering away to the girl about the sound a Triumph makes and the high-speed runs she 'd done up the side of Loch Lomond at night .
22 But once Gyggle had positioned me in the tank — which crouched there like a miniature submarine , or a twenty-first-century washing machine — and swung shut the rubber-flanged door , I found it impossible to lose — and therefore as he hoped , reencounter — my self .
23 He pushed her away , and she fell to the floor and lay there like a broken bird .
24 stays there like a blurred face
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