Example sentences of "thing be [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But there 's no , people who say things are off the record means that ‘ I do n't want to be , but I want it to get into the system ’ .
2 But as soon as we are tired of them and we have discharged our duties to society each day , we can say to ourselves : ‘ All those things are of the mundane , but I am of the transcendent , and therefore far above them . ’
3 Two things are of the essence : money and strategy for its dissemination .
4 ‘ I ca n't get over how different things are to the way it was when we were young .
5 Morton , asked whether he believed Diana 's long-time friend and confidante would now publicly declare his love for her , said last night : ‘ The way things are at the moment , nothing at all would surprise me .
6 I 've made mistakes and I 've gone and said things which I 'm not proud of but I 'm not at all dissatisfied with the way things are at the moment .
7 They 're sending them out to bookshops all over the country … thousands have already been sold , and the way things are at the moment there does n't look like any let up in sight .
8 as things are at the moment I think it
9 But the way things are at the moment , er you know , these people , the next of kin and dependents of those that have already died , until they get money through , they 're going to have to go cap in hand to the government to get whatever handout they can .
10 All these things are for the heathen to run after , not for you , because your heavenly Father knows that you need them all .
11 Modern living things are for the most part adapted to the modern atmosphere .
12 When things are on the up and the lodestar of a transformatory politics shines bright , so too does ‘ the avant-garde project of overcoming the separation of art and life ’ ( p. 171 ) .
13 ‘ It 's the players who have suffered , but now there are signs that things are on the mend . ’
14 In the second stage , usually identified with areas 18 and 19 ( also known as prestriate cortex ) , information about where things are on the retina is lost and replaced with information about where they are in relation to each other .
15 But now things are on the slide , and despite grunts that the City 's slump is only a passing phase , warnings of London 's undoing are arising .
16 Still , things are on the right lines .
17 So , if you do the documentation in advance in the documentation yeah , in the documentation , I explain what spreadsheets there are , where things are on the spreadsheets , the various procedures for how to do certain things .
18 So I know where things are on the spreadsheets .
19 Shows you , yeah , you got boxes showing you where things are on the spreadsheets , and you got some tags saying what those are .
20 I spent much time in that area and I know that brighter things are on the horizon for Manchester and Liverpool .
21 Culturally , however , things are on the move .
22 Them things are on the , can you see her ?
23 Erm I do n't know erm how it is like , as I say because I , I 've been left now ten years eleven , eleven in May er so erm I , I really , I do n't know what , how things are with the er with the employees really you know , but erm I used to enjoys my meetings once a month erm and I think everybody seemed fair , we got and of course , according to the Co- magazine that we have , that Focus , they always send me one of those still and er I mean , you 've got er , we used to have a good football team and I think they 've still got a sports team have n't they ?
24 At least I know where things are in the station .
25 The pagan philosophers have introduced cycles of time in which the same things are in the order of nature being restored and repeated , and have asserted that these whirlings of past and future ages will go on unceasingly … .
26 That 's another indication of how tight things are in the High Street .
27 He does not change his mind , nor his perception of how ‘ things are in the world ’ .
28 One of the things that makes war so fascinating to its students and so frustrating to its participants is that in a moment of supreme crisis it is rarely given for one side , obsessed by its own difficulties , to see just how bad things are in the enemy camp .
29 I think what 's happened the moon is is either set already or it 's so low down in the sky we ca n't see it because the buildings and things are in the way .
30 Secretly , under layers and wads of protest , was her admission that he was right , that these things were for the best .
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