Example sentences of "back up the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Marion Aluinn , smiling , turned to go back up the beach , caught her foot and staggered .
2 We went back up the staircase and I hammered on the door .
3 The water-keeper escorted me back up the lane .
4 I looked back up the wall in wonder and doubt .
5 Philip went back up the village .
6 Little Billy and Don Mini climbed back up the tree to where all the other Minpins were gathered .
7 She turns and begins to wobble back up the aisle .
8 The sound comes back up the laser beam to a modulator .
9 Corbett then turned on his heel and strode out of the room and made his way back up the alley .
10 Behind and back up the fairway Andy was waiting for Des to play first from behind the cross bunkers .
11 She and the cart were half-covered by the shadow of the buildings on her left ; but further back up the road , walking deep in the shadow , was a young woman holding a child by the hand .
12 Then the other scientist , silent until now , pointed back up the corridor .
13 Send back up the hierarchy any work which significantly diverts you from the agreed priorities .
14 And there was a little pump-house , with a pipe running back up the cliff .
15 But he countered : ‘ The supporter was saying terrible things to me and I went back up the tunnel because I wanted to have a good look at the face of the person who was abusing me .
16 In this case the high-frequency waves pass through the medium , are reflected off the specimen and then bounce back up the sapphire rod to the transducer , which converts the returning sound into an electrical signal .
17 Philip set off back up the field towards the road .
18 Then I started walking back up the field .
19 His eyes strained through the darkness , trying to pick out the familiar , heavyweight figure of Tony 's father trudging his flatfooted way back up the prom .
20 He rode back up the drive one shilling heavier and two letters lighter .
21 Paul had climbed back up the embankment — with the post sticking out of his body .
22 They rode back up the valley as fast as they could go .
23 Delaney tore himself away , going back up the stairway that was the only way out , and back in the direction that the creature was coming .
24 Doreen had walked out into the dark hall suddenly , and seen him walking back up the passage away from the kitchen door .
25 He would be lucky to get back up the companion .
26 Once she was safely winched back up the slipway into the lifeboat shed , I spoke to some of the crew .
27 We sit there for some time but I keep glancing up , and gradually become terrified that the man is somehow not dead or has become a zombie and is climbing back up the shaft towards us , to push the grating up and put his already rotting hands down and grab us both by the hair .
28 Crewe Alexandra 's number two , Kenny Swain , was eventually chosen as the right man to bounce Wigan back up the League ladder .
29 I asked , as we plodded back up the hill , she clinging to my arm , pausing now and then for breath .
30 Then , ‘ Mind , ’ Bella said as Marie , sweating and out of breath , struggled to shove the wheelchair back up the hill from the prom , ‘ mind , these chips are swimming in vinegar .
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