Example sentences of "back to its [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 head office will then have to channel the results of international marketing research back to its operating subsidiaries .
2 He therefore decided to send the bulk of the army back to its base at Newcastle , while 500 cavalry , commanded by General James Oglethorpe , set off across the Pennines to try to harass the enemy flanks and rear .
3 The Aerosols were almost impossible to stop , and the soldiers and their weapons and equipment were getting burned and melted all over the place until one brave soldier who had clung on to one of the Aerosols as it flew back to its base came back ( after many adventures ) with the news that their base was a breadboard moored under an overhang on an inland creek .
4 When , with a shout , I jerked my eye back to its hole there was no smoke anywhere , only the necessary building , perfect , even to the irises and the low picket fence that lined its path , before which ‘ Uncle Pepi ’ now stood , with one arm crooked and raised .
5 Do two passes of the carriage to read the cams and then , when the carriage is at the opposite side to the point cam ( in this case on the right ) , move the left point cam back to its position on the right of the N1 cam .
6 The cat had finished with its night hunt , and came padding silently back to its home territory .
7 Remote procedure call technology developer Netwise Inc is retreating back to its home base in Boulder , Colorado .
8 Far below it , unseen in the clouds , the bird that had brought the earlier message to the Patrician of Ankh-Morpork flapped gently back to its home .
9 Characteristically he uses the imagery of song to point to the highest kind of contemplative experience of God : The Form unfolds a process of definition which comes full circle back to its beginning so that that can be understood in a new way : the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time .
10 The ant then carries its ‘ plate ’ and food back to its nest .
11 The bee then kneads the pollen into these baskets with its middle legs , moulding it around the slender peg that projects from each of them , so that when it flies back to its nest after a successful trip , it has a brilliant yellow button of food attached to each thigh .
12 Now it must get back to its nest as quickly as possible before it too collapses in the heat .
13 It raids the pupae and larvae from the nests of other ant species , brings them back to its nest , and when the pupae and larvae later hatch they work as slaves for their captors .
14 The Herald Society will be a recipient of this sponsorship programme , as officials of FMS have inspected herald G–APWA , which will be transported back to its birthplace at Woodley in the near future .
15 If possible , track the rumour back to its origin .
16 It is vital to find the essence in the traditional idea by tracing it back to its origin .
17 In order to understand our present confusion it is necessary once again to go back to its history .
18 The engine of these systems is the ‘ labour pump ’ , the device which South Africans used to call ‘ influx control ’ , which ensures that migrant labour circulates and can be pumped out back to its Bantustan when no longer required .
19 The 2–8–0 is seen at Shireoaks as it takes the line to Shirebrook , heading back to its Buttlerley base .
20 In his brilliantly perceptive book , ‘ Beyond a Boundary ’ , James traces the history of the modern game back to its inception during the lifetime of Hazlitt ( 1778–1830 ) .
21 John Herschel in his Preliminary Discourse ( 1830 ) for the Cabinet Cyclopedia urged that while astronomers can deal with the orbits of the planets in the solar system , their inductions can not take them back to its creation .
22 Till the whole sky dives shut like a burned land back to its spark
23 Pioneer Sparc cloner Opus Systems Inc , Mountain View , California , is finally calling it quits with whatever remains of its Sparc clone business and says it is retracting back to its SparcCard PC add-in boards ( UX No 343 ) .
24 Bowing down everything and driving it back to its cave .
25 JCI 's property investments date back to its establishment in 1889 .
26 The brambling in the pine tree was on its way back to its breeding grounds in birch woods or conifer forests — where insect populations peak during the short summer season in the far north of Europe .
27 But then it turned round towards the open stable door and went back to its place in the darkness ,
28 Whenever the chest was brought in by the Levites to the King 's officials and they saw that there was a large amount of money , the royal secretary and the officer of the chief priest came and emptied the chest and carried it back to its place .
29 Needless to say , the boathook did n't go back to its place on the restaurant 's wall .
30 Take the car back to its owner and kick him … hard !
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