Example sentences of "back [coord] [vb infin] the " in BNC.

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1 It is not open to the promisor to go back and undo the loss ; he is able only to make it good , and this can be done only by an award of damages in the amount of the promisee 's interest .
2 Issues such as the abolition of capital punishment or the legislation on abortion inevitably revealed a picture of an open , competitive pattern of politics where the state was often content to sit back and referee the group struggle .
3 The person gathering the data would first have to register the churches ; then they would have to go back and record the sculptures kept in each ; it would take another visit to catalogue the paintings ; another for the liturgical vestments , and so on .
4 You , you get a tin er and whoever 's sort of looking after the tin , er somebody kicks it , one 'll kick the tin and then you all go and hide , and he has to find you before you can come back and kick the tin .
5 That is why Jesus in St. John 's Gospel can promise that through the arrival of the Paraclete not only he himself will come back and indwell the disciples , but so will the Father ( John 14:17,18,21,23 ) .
6 I speak from experience , as my wife and I had to turn back and miss the December 1990 meeting .
7 He looked and sounded now so unlike Old Red , the reputed scourge of Benedict 's , that I could n't wait for my holiday to end to let me get back and tell the girls .
8 I 'll come back and check the situation this evening . ’
9 Most of the scrappy first half saw them sit back and prevent the dominant but over-elaborate Hearts from scoring .
10 You 'd better go back and uncouple the and split it again and set the buckeye .
11 If you wish , you can always read on and come back and do the exercises later .
12 There was a pause while Sara collected herself , and then she said they must go back and do the accounts .
13 Later , he could come back and do the job properly .
14 When you have a course that works , you do n't sit back and watch the grass grow — you set to work to make it even better .
15 To do otherwise , would be to sit back and watch the raison d'etre of conglomeration being reversed by a misplaced process of reregulation ; that would be to give with one hand , and take with the other .
16 ‘ Afterwards , you can sit back and watch the investment grow handsomely , before you offer it out to the highest bidder and make a killing .
17 However , it is clearly impossible for us all to stand back and watch the booksellers ' position , in total terms , being undermined by some publishers ' double standards .
18 It was n't jerky , just a little unsettling , and Maxim might not have been asking so many questions if he 'd been able to sit back and watch the countryside flow past .
19 I can sit back and watch the day go by , and when the float dips down in the water I know there 's a fish pulling at the line .
20 If Dickens could come back and watch the debate , he would see that most of us are dwelling on the surface of the problem , while beneath the surface something is wrong in England and Wales .
21 As described in Section 3.3 , if it is possible for real particles to pass through them , then it will be possible for those particles to subsequently look back and observe the naked singularity in region IV .
22 You are listening to what they told you and you got the , the right picture , you know the right facts and the right details and the right emotions so you can go back and cover the right plan of attack so you can sell them products they actually want and not what you think they
23 He can sell out his holding at a profit to new investors or he can sit back and await the dividends on the investment .
24 Archaeology and museums have not , of course , contributed to the massive commercial pressures underlying this trend , but to a large extent they can sit back and reap the benefits .
25 Would Doctor Bissett be so kind as to call back and arrange the appointment ?
26 This collection of 40 , hour-long videos covers every year from 1930 to 1969 — just choose a year that means something to your loved one and let them sit back and capture the atmosphere with news , special events and TV clips of the time .
27 Those who remain in the area say they 'd go back and restore the houses again tomorrow , given the chance .
28 Others , however , feel very strongly that they must go back and discover the original cause — and , if that is how they feel , I will always go along with their wishes .
29 He will have little opportunity to stand back and examine the data in the cool light of the academic ‘ ivory tower ’ .
30 Thorfinn said , ‘ Why should we lose men ? ’ and had the signal blown : to pull back and allow the enemy to withdraw .
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