Example sentences of "back [prep] [adj] first " in BNC.

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1 He 'd been sent to escort her back after that first long-ago attempt to cross the border ; and with that , it had begun .
2 take you back in this first talk about the art of film erm to the very early days , and these are difficult I think for us to imagine because we 're so used today to sound films , of all the effects in , in the theatres , we 're used to the great stars , we 're used to the big subjects , and yet the film began in the smallest possible way , it began really as a sideshow , it began as a hobby for a group of people , sometimes they would be French , sometimes they would be British , sometimes American , the early pioneers , whose main interest was to produce a camera , which would look like a still camera and yet somehow would manage to produce a picture which moved when it was projected on a screen .
3 I sometimes think back to that first talk I did in Mr Taylor 's class , and how scared I was .
4 My mind travelled back to that first occasion .
5 Scents are too evocative and the merest whiff jerks me back to that first night away from my wife , and to the feeling I had then .
6 If we go back to that first , second slide , if you 're still alive in thirty years time , you may actually want the money that you 've gifted to people ten years ago , and erm that 's the problem you 've got .
7 ‘ What I 'd like would be for him to go back to that first wife of his . ’
8 As she stared unseeingly ahead , her mind went back to that first meeting with Robert , and a pang of regret shot through her .
9 Going back to those first commands and prohibitions on which ( among other things ) conscience is founded , it is apparent that some babies heed them more readily and consistently than others , and that some parents convey them more effectively than others .
10 He remembered what Alina had said to him , way back at that first dawn .
11 In later years , we shall find Nietzsche looking back at this first book , and especially its Wagnerian dimension , with very mixed feelings .
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