Example sentences of "three [prep] [num] time " in BNC.

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1 Intel Corp is saying its revamped Pentium floating point unit operates three to 10 times better than the one in the 80486's , apparently positioning it against RISCs like the MIPS Technologies Inc R4000 .
2 According to Joly , basalt , obsidian , orthoclase felspar and hornblende weather three to fourteen times more rapidly in salt water than in fresh .
3 Their high-energy laser programme , concentrating on chemical lasers , is three to five times the size of its US equivalent .
4 That would take exercising at least three to five times a week . ’
5 It does over 2,000 input-output operations per second , three to five times better than the average Unix server , IBM says ; it costs $170,000 with 28.8Gb disk .
6 It does over 2,000 input operations per second , three to five times better than the average Unix server , IBM says .
7 But the feature that really marks the P5 out from its predecessors is the integrated floating point processor that is claimed to offer three to five times the performance of the one in the 80486 , giving the P5 its reputation as a RISC-killer .
8 This involves the link person visiting each school from three to five times at appropriate stages of the project .
9 The real frequency of worldwide maternal mortality may be as much as three to five times higher than this ratio .
10 Pravda , formerly the newspaper of the Soviet Communist Party , announced its intention to increase publication from three to five times weekly from Sept. 1 , having been saved from bankruptcy by establishing a joint venture with a Greek businessman who retained a controlling share .
11 One statistic disclosed by the Ukrainian officials at a press conference on the impact of the accident is that deaths among members of the emergency services involved in decontamination work are three to five times above the rates for people of equivalent age .
12 At the moment the synthetic wood is two to three times more expensive than natural wood , but Collins and Aikman believes that the product can nevertheless be competitive because of the savings on incineration or dumping costs and because it lasts three to five times longer than wood .
13 The price of books of academic criticism indicates that they are not aimed at the educated general reader ( once they cost about the same as a bottle of whisky ; now they cost three to four times as much ) .
14 The yield of TIB 1 is three to four times greater than that of the local variety of sweet potato and Giwa is able to market about 60 tons of sweet potatoes per year .
15 While other ventures such as property lending faltered , American consumers piled up credit-card debt and tolerated interest rates three to four times the rate of inflation .
16 High-precision laboratories can produce results with error terms of less than plus/minus 20 years ; they employ very carefully controlled measurement procedures , but they also require samples three to four times the size of those used by normal-precision , conventional laboratories .
17 You are also expected to start saving regularly , and can typically borrow three to four times what you 've accumulated .
18 Few reports about this species are received annually , but these suggest that it is some three to four times scarcer than the Common Partridge .
19 For if you are not exercising aerobically using some form of whole body continuous movement ( brisk walking , jogging , cycling ) for 30 minutes at least three to four times a week , then by definition , you are sedentary .
20 The Time report confirmed that moderate brisk walking for half an hour three to four times a week is all that is needed to provide protection not only from cardiovascular disease and cancers , but also against death from a wide range of other causes .
21 Published reports claim Apple Computer Inc has committed to using Motorola Inc 's 32-bit 68060 superscalar chip , expected to ship in 50MHz and 66MHz levels in the second half of next year , in future Quadra workstations : the silicon is forecast to outperform the current 68040 three to four times and beat out the P5 .
22 It promises three to four times the performance of an AS/400 E90 .
23 An ideal programme includes exercise sessions which last about 30 minutes three to four times per week .
24 You need to engage in aerobic exercise three to four times per week in order to make physical progress .
25 Compared with controls , patients are three to four times more likely to have a parent who had been enuretic .
26 This level of performance is roughly three to four times greater than early gravel packed well completions at Amberjack , ’ he said .
27 Cinema box-office takings in 1991 were £300m , but consumers spent three to four times that on subscriptions to satellite or cable TV film channels or on renting videos .
28 The child was encouraged to sit on the toilet for up to five minutes , three to four times a day , after meals .
29 It suggests these should be in the 3,000-4000 megawatts range — three to four times the current government goal , and in line with figures proposed by environmental groups .
30 Some clubs can find themselves playing three to four times a week as they struggle to fulfil the fixture list .
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