Example sentences of "down and [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 Rotas for house cleaning , loo disinfecting , washing up , cooker cleaning and decisions about kitty and shopping for basic shared commodities such as tea , coffee , loo paper , need to be clearly written down and displayed for all to see .
2 Their expectations are high because many of them have , until recently , had a middle-class life and outlook ( ie. the East African Asians ) and because , unlike the British working class , they have not been ground down and prepared for their jobs by the British education system .
3 The carts had been washed down and polished for the day 's event .
4 Even when it was declared to be worth twenty-one shillings in 1717 it was undervalued ; silver coins were exported to India where their value was still high , or to Amsterdam where they could be melted down and exchanged for gold , and Britain moved inadvertently to a gold standard .
5 She rose from her chair at the little antique bureau which stood in the attic window space , bent down and fumbled for the catch of the secret drawer which she had found there .
6 Even if the re-sale value of your car is low , think how much it would be worth stripped down and sold for parts — the criminal has .
7 What was once a visual statement of security in the form of dowry jewellery or even rank , marvellous skilled and beautiful objects , are being melted down and sold for scrap every day ! !
8 They also get the tusks and the bristles which they sell or barter in India , and a large proportion of the fat , which can be rendered down and used for cooking , or dried and preserved to smear on cuts and bruises .
9 and erm and erm I would really formally ask the board if , if there is any objection to our deliberations being recorded and taken down and used for another purpose .
10 Jerking the trigger instead of squeezing it with a steady pressure , meant the gun muzzle being pulled slightly down and left for the first shot .
11 Close by are four more being washed down and wrapped for burial .
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