Example sentences of "down to her [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So we had go through my own and my wedding dress down to her dress , she put on her wedding dress
2 Pepita bent back down to her work and checked off another crate of bananas that would be shipped to lands she had never seen and would never see .
3 What hope would she have with the local police when the issue came down to her word against Guido 's ?
4 She survived unscathed , which she put down to her ability to be assertive .
5 ‘ Yes , ’ she breathed , ‘ oh , Havvie , yes , ’ and if , when he kissed her , with the perfect decorum with which a well brought up young peer should treat a single girl — even one who had promised to be his wife — she did not feel quite the surge of passion which she had expected , she put that down to her inexperience , and his tentative handling of her , which would change with time , she knew .
6 Julia put the desolation that suddenly thrust itself into her mind down to her cold and said that she thought she ought to go bed .
7 The front was slashed all the way down to her navel to reveal rounded breasts , which rose and fell temptingly like a couple of ripe peaches .
8 She said nothing more and Jenna sat down to her breakfast , but as she glanced across at Marguerite , who was busy at the cooker , she saw tears standing in the dark eyes and guilt rushed over her as she realised why .
9 Leonora settled down to her breakfast in a better frame of mind than she would have believed possible the day before .
10 He was their paying guest and had been since that afternoon seven years ago when he had tracked Rachel Gebler down to her home in this seaside suburb close to the famous swimming beaches .
11 She strolled by some quite lovely nineteenth-century architecture — charming four-storeyed buildings of white , of yellow , of yellow and white , and red-roofed , green-roofed , immaculately lawned — and down to her hotel .
12 She had a bloody lip nearly down to her ankle .
13 She pressed the third-floor button to go to her office , and put the passport away before she went down to her patient 's room and the distraught Italian husband .
14 ’ And as he and Kraal continued to talk old Minch quietly dropped down to her shelter and took up the food there , listening to their few memories of the world outside .
15 With that she said no more but dropped down to her shelter and took up some food , an action that told Creggan he had best get on with it and ask no more questions .
16 She made to open her door , but he detained her , his hand sliding down to her shoulder , his fingers warm and fatally comforting through the silk blouse .
17 ‘ Now it 's you that 's 'aving me on , ’ said the landlady , and went down to her kitchen with a smile .
18 As the bus came to a halt in Woodborough bus station , Laura slid open the window and lowered her string bag down to her son-in-law .
19 Lesley says : ‘ She used to have hair all the way down to her waist .
20 For Lili , whose skin was nearly as white as Adam Verne-Smith 's , was more Indian than true Indians , wore the sari , grew her curly brown Austrian hair down to her waist and took language lessons from a Bengali neighbour of theirs .
21 What could she possibly say to a beauty with thick hair down to her waist , wearing bright clothes , and gold bracelets up her arm ?
22 With a strangled cry of rage and disgust , Mala grasped the top of her ragged costume and yanked it all the way down to her waist .
23 Sweat flowed from Léonie 's armpits down to her waist .
24 Roman slid the zip of her black cotton dress down to her waist and she shivered as his hand gently explored her smooth shoulder and traced a line from the sensitive pulse in her throat to the valley between her breasts .
25 His hands caressed her back , then caressed down to her waist , and when they reached her hips he moulded her thinly clad body against him .
26 ‘ Naylor , ’ she whispered , and knew yet more rapture when his mouth returned to take her lips while his warm and gentle hands caressed in sensual , skin-tingling movement from her throat , over her shoulders , down to her waist , and then , in a wonderful touch , upwards to capture her breasts .
27 Words of warning were lurking somewhere in the darkest recesses of her mind , but the physical longing was n't so easy to abruptly cancel out , and besides Guy was already peeling the rest of the gold swimsuit down to her waist , then straddling her to place strategic kisses along the path of exposed skin as he lifted her hips to ease the costume down to her thighs .
28 Her central happiness irradiated the rest of her life , from important happenings , down to her mood when she was doing trivial things .
29 Turning , she beheld Araminta at the head of the stairs , and remembered that Miss Merchiston had instructed her to go down to her parlour when she had left her mother .
30 After a bit she got up again and crept down to her mother 's room .
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