Example sentences of "on to her [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So wrote Lady Augusta Bruce to the Duchess of Kent , who passed the letter on to her daughter , the Queen .
2 She scraped a little butter substitute on to her daughter 's toast .
3 ‘ When I tell my mother about Thomas she 'll leap on to her hobby horse , ’ Vitor said drily , as he opened the car door .
4 Scarlet blinked again : she was projecting her own feelings on to her child .
5 She felt Schmidt 's corresponding move , his hand dropping on to her forearm .
6 He tossed a single crimson rose on to her oak coffin .
7 Matilda rubbed her palm against it and a white powder came off on to her skin .
8 Her face stung ; she scrubbed handfuls of wind-blown snow on to her skin , knuckling at her eyelids where the enzymes still clung in crunchy clusters .
9 The sun was so strong , it cast the colour of her mauve blouse on to her skin .
10 She closed the door with a firmness she did not feel then sank gratefully on to her bed , dry-mouthed and suddenly cold .
11 Her mother had picked her up bodily the night before and dragged her into her room where she had then thrown her on to her bed .
12 Samantha sank on to her bed to show the helpless state she expected to be in by the evening .
13 Luckily , however , I managed to hold on and we got on to her bed , which I seem to remember was covered with a plastic sheet .
14 Claudia sank down on to her bed and tried to shut her ears to the sound of him in the next room .
15 The dog safely delivered to his still sleeping mistress , who did not stir when he sneaked on to her bed , Theda sought the privacy of her own chamber and broke the seal of Benedict 's note .
16 One way or another it had been quite a day , she decided , cooling down under the shower before she collapsed on to her bed .
17 ‘ He steadied himself , holding on to her shoulder .
18 Sighing , the girl hoisted her backpack on to her shoulder .
19 As the cat put its head down to rub against her , she reached up with her arm , and to her surprise the cat quite readily padded on to her shoulder and nestled there , purring .
20 She hitched her daughter up on to her shoulder , holding her steady with her free hand .
21 The rope of her orange-grey plait tumbled on to her shoulder .
22 The lesser bag she slung on to her shoulder .
23 With a muffled sound she spun round clinging on to her shoulder bag and ready to fight off an attacker .
24 She was in the cafeteria a short while later , steadfastly keeping her back to the huge windows with their wonderful view of the skiers outside , when a hand descended on to her shoulder , making her start in alarm .
25 He held on to her shoulder while he disentangled himself .
26 In her haste , the wayward T-shirt had slipped , and she hooked it back on to her shoulder .
27 Suddenly she heard the sound of an approaching car on the road running alongside the promenade , and as its headlights shone on them , she tried to pull away , turning her head so that his kisses fell on to the side of her face and down on to her shoulder .
28 She did not delude herself that the light touch of his lips to her cheek on parting yesterday meant anything , and she hitched her bag on to her shoulder and walked to the door .
29 On his knees he took off the slipper , slid the white high-heeled sandal on to her foot .
30 Erika dressed soberly , too , although , in an uncharacteristic act of defiance , she pinned her F.G.Y. badge on to her lapel .
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