Example sentences of "even [subord] i do " in BNC.

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1 And she realizes it herself too , better even than I do .
2 Or , even if I did , that things would be different . ’
3 I knew of the need for fibre , fresh fruits and vegetables — even if I did n't much like them — and I knew of the dangers of saturated fats and too much salt .
4 Even if I DID turn both taps fully on , I would not attempt to fill my bath with the plug out .
5 Even if I DID turn both taps fully on and DID leave the plug out I would not allow the bath to get anywhere near overflowing because my Mum would beat me around the head with the back-scrubber .
6 But I do n't think I could cope on my own without my mum and dad even if I did have all that money .
7 ‘ No , Mother Francis said that they would n't take me , even if I did want to be a nun , until I was over twenty-one . ’
8 I 'm just as good as he is , even if I did n't go to Eton . ’
9 Even if I did n't have a job that keeps me at the other end of the country for most of the year , this sort of place could n't provide a living .
10 I also kept my contacts and my work going during the golf season , even if I did it mostly by telephone .
11 " But even if I did it , " said Clara , " I would be stealing the state 's money , would n't I ?
12 He put the gun sideways in his mouth to give him two free hands and I thought about trying to grab it off him but I thought I 'd probably kill one of us and even if I did n't I was no match for him and he 'd just take it off me again .
13 I ca n't rebuild without paying through the nose for the privilege , and even if I did build , getting rent is like getting blood from a stone ! ’
14 Even if I did n't love you as I do , I know my duty .
15 Even if I did not like you very much , I should still want you to be manageress of the Maison de Verveine in London .
16 And even if I did have and had a mustard seed here , you still would n't be able to see it for a mustard seed is no bigger than a pin head .
17 ‘ I do n't believe you for a moment ; even if I did , you 're my only lead and I 'm not going to let you out of my sight until I catch up with Garry .
18 Even if I did , I do n't see how I could silence her .
19 ‘ That 's not what I want , Maria , and even if I did , what do you think I am ?
20 ‘ I do n't know , and even if I did I would n't tell you . ’
21 ‘ For a start I would n't believe you , and even if I did , to use your own word , tough ! ’
22 ‘ I do n't know what you 're talking about , but even if I did I would n't tell you anything . ’
23 ‘ I did not say any of those things , ’ said Robert , ‘ and , even if I did , I do n't think they merit the death penalty .
24 It would be good to see old England again and even if I did n't find her I could tell myself I 'd just tried that little bit .
25 But even if I did , we 're still left with the same question : What are we going to do about it ?
26 ‘ And , even if I did n't , for you , signorina , I 'd immediately send down to the cellar to get it . ’
27 ‘ I will not change my mind , and even if I did — ’
28 The organisers saw Morse drinking beer all the time on television and thought even if I did n't know anything about the quality of beer I must be a quantity man .
29 My obligation to Harry is sacred for his father 's sake , even if I did not love him like my own .
30 I 've got as good a nose as any other man on the paper , even if I do specialize in science .
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