Example sentences of "even [adv] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although the soil of Craven was good loam , little corn was grown , even less up the dales ; oats alone could withstand the damp climate and formed the staple food of the common people .
2 Finally , Mick ventured even further up the gorge and discovered an excellent roof .
3 Could Mr Smith be another Warrior , or even further up the hierarchy of Tormentors than he 'd thought ?
4 It was the middle of March and the snow had receded even further up the slopes .
5 There 's this guy there called Les , now it was put to us when we were down there last time that erm , attending this meeting when it happens would be er one Nigel , who 's , I do n't quite , I ca n't remember what he 's picked for , erm he 's actually been promoted , he 's pretty senior , he was basically in charge of the product engineering at , and he 's now been promoted so that puts him even further up the ladder
6 The Founders and other people within NoS kept up the pressure to go even further down the Equal Opportunities road .
7 Technology for platforms other than the PowerPC appear to be even further down the line .
8 On walking back home from the church , I found myself thinking very deeply about what I had let myself in for , but foremost what my wife would say , I seem to recall something like ‘ I suppose that 's my lace bobbins even further down the work sheet . ’
9 Even further out the houses are spread out on estates with gardens .
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