Example sentences of "those [Wh pn] hold the " in BNC.

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1 This is because each agency has to fight for its share of the overall intelligence budget and in the process exaggerates and distorts its reports so as to pander to the whims of those who hold the purse-strings .
2 But if it continues to gain in stature , as is the case at the moment , then the necessary resources ought to be put into it by those who hold the purse-strings of archaeology .
3 Those who hold the royal family dear could hardly wait for her downfall .
4 It is essential for the well-being of society that those who hold the functionally most important positions perform their roles diligently and conscientiously .
5 It is clearly necessary to cater for all the languages in the group and ‘ double ’ resourcing or ‘ triple ’ or even more , has been possible for us with Nuffield Foundation funding , but it is far from being seen as an obvious need by those who hold the State sector purse strings , for example !
6 The Government have no intention of giving power to anyone except those who hold the purse strings .
7 This will enhance the value of those who hold the LCCIEB qualification since it will provide evidence of basic competence founded on sound academic knowledge .
8 Land and property owners , developers and builders , those who hold the mortgage debt , and state functionaries have most to gain .
9 To those who hold the view that " the more liberal a subject is , the more useless it is " , history must have appeared as the jewel in the non-utilitarian crown .
10 In its 40th year as a type , on the 10th anniversary of its only active service and the year before the 40th anniversary of the RAF , the aircraft is increasingly viewed by those who hold the purse strings as an anachronism — a symbol of a past which has no relevance in the new future .
11 Bishop and priests left , and Clonmacnoise became a ruin , used only as a burial ground for those who held the site forever sacred .
12 Having once negotiated the hurdle of the initial course it was not so difficult to persuade those who held the money bags to allow me to fly the aircraft every six months or so to maintain some sort of standard in flying up-to-date jet transports .
13 African writers began to question the motives of those who held the positions of power , including the various missionary organisations .
14 Rounding on conservative opponents , Gorbachev commented : " When we embarked on perestroika we of course realized that it would inevitably affect the interests of those who held the actual power and who administered society 's wealth in the name of the people .
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