Example sentences of "those [Wh pn] [vb past] a " in BNC.

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1 At his deposition , North 's aide Robert Earl offered a breakdown of those who knew about the Iran operation , those who did not know and those who knew a bit of it , like a game of Chinese boxes .
2 perceptions of net bias on ITV were very small indeed , the numbers who detected an anti-Conservative bias almost ( but not quite ) equalling those who saw a pro-Conservative bias .
3 At the SAD conference in Crieff in October 1986 on " Dementia : Planning Innovative Services in the Community " a debate developed between those who saw an overriding need to integrate dementia sufferers with the rest of their community , both at home and within the various services for elderly people and , on the other hand , those who saw a need to provide separate specialist services to cater for the special needs of dementia sufferers , which had been neglected in the past .
4 At the SAD conference in Crieff in October 1986 on " Dementia : Planning Innovative Services in the Community " a debate developed between those who saw an overriding need to integrate dementia sufferers with the rest of their community , both at home and within the various services for elderly people and , on the other hand , those who saw a need to provide separate specialist services to cater for the special needs of dementia sufferers , which had been neglected in the past .
5 Those who saw an ‘ end of ideology ’ in this period were , in a limited sense , right .
6 And whilst it is impossible to state categorically that heart disease can be caused by eating too much fat , in recent investigations it was observed that among the groups of people who consumed high amounts of fat the incidence of heart attack was far higher than among those who followed a low fat diet .
7 HERE 'S good news for all those who shed a tear on election night for Ian Grist , the debonair Welsh Tory Minister who lost his seat at Cardiff Central .
8 One of those who became a Golitsin addict was James Angleton , head of counter-intelligence operations at the CIA , whose conversion unfortunately spread across the Atlantic to some members of MI5 , including Peter Wright , with disastrous results as a hunt began for this highly placed mole that Golitsin was so sure existed .
9 And those who felt a niggle in their knee last month are wondering whether it will get better in April 21 .
10 These rates were not significantly affected by subdivision of the diet group into those who achieved a high fibre score from mainly non-bran sources ( n=7 ) and those who were compliant in taking bran supplements ( 31.4 ( 18.6 ) % v 49.4 ( 13.9 ) % respectively by LTA at 42 months : NS ) .
11 Joyce dismissed Baldwin and Archbishop Lang as a pair of ‘ hardened schemers ’ , and taunted those who professed a religious objection to the King 's marriage .
12 Conversely , all but three of those who read a small amount or no SF ( 14 in all ) , asserted that the passage was not SF .
13 Patients who wore them were almost twice as likely to break the habit as those who wore a dummy patch .
14 A decision , inevitably arbitrary , was therefore taken to include in the sample of principal carers only those who spent a minimum of seven hours per week engaged in activities with or on behalf of the dementia sufferer .
15 Jill Ireland renewed her cuddling relationship with Williams and Donald Sinden , Donald Houston and Andrew Ray were among those who spent a great deal of their time wearing bathrobes and dressing gowns , hopping in and out of bed — for strictly medical reasons , of course .
16 The Conservatives , Baldwin declared in a speech in December 1930 , were the true National party , and so those who sought a National Government should support the Conservatives .
17 This was welcome news to those who sought a federal Europe , for the federalist implications of the dilemma were very clear : a European army would need European political control of a type that could not be provided by the EDC institutions .
18 This reflects a 53.8% long term survival for those who received a suitable donor organ and a 70% actual survival at almost 6 years ' mean follow up in those discharged from hospital after surgery ( fig 2 ) .
19 It would be too soon , he thought , to remind the Colonel of the fate inescapably awaiting those who failed a mission which had the total support of the Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council .
20 Normal Angell and Clifford Allen were among those who fought a rearguard action in defence of the older , more general , meaning of the word ‘ pacifism ’ .
21 Those who expected a predictable finale to this unpredictable match got far more than they anticipated .
22 Even rewards such as these were a shade oblique for those who expected a direct return upon money invested .
23 Although Roh dismissed suggestions of his personal involvement in the affair as " nonsensical " , the opposition 's case was supported by anti-government demonstrations in several cities , including Seoul , by those who demanded a deeper investigation of the Suso affair .
24 His statement was considered to have gone sufficiently far towards an apology to have enraged many nationalists within his own party , without having satisfied those who demanded a clear-cut official apology as a key part of an acceptance of responsibility for initiating the Pacific War .
25 On Sept. 3 Interior Minister Mohammed Hardi said in an interview with the daily El Watan that most detainees would be freed soon , and that the electoral process interrupted in January would be resumed if those who demanded an Islamic state would give up terrorism .
26 We need to construct our histories through examining the records left by those who went before us , not in a blunderingly literal-minded fashion that sees fictional texts as factual ‘ evidence ’ , but by studying how texts mediate the contradictions and challenges faced by those who carried a homosexual identity through a heterosexual world .
27 One of those who identified a stylistic discrepancy pointed to the phrase " half-eaten lunch " as being explainable as the idiomatic form of expression of the character , Rice .
28 Although it is arguable that the seeds of dissensus had already taken root in the surrounding world of penal thought , dividing those who advocated a welfare philosophy from those more inclined to place confidence in penalties and the traditional legal apparatus , in the Home Office at least the consensus still held .
29 George Bosworth , Director of Newcastle Polytechnic , thought that those who advocated a form of education in the polytechnics that was different from that in the universities had been ‘ singularly uncommunicative on the nature and extent of the difference ’ .
30 Fifteen per cent of those who enjoyed a daily drink caught a cold compared to 45 per cent of non-drinkers , he told the British Psychological Society conference in London .
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