Example sentences of "those [noun pl] [adv] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thus the averages would be higher in those cases where money was retained .
2 Part II of the Administration of Justice Act 1969 introduced the procedure universally known as the ‘ leap-frog ’ procedure to deal with those cases where determination by the Court of Appeal might not be the most effective way of disposing of the case .
3 The measures to which we were sometimes reduced were distressingly inelegant , and , in those cases where dynamite was used , required hours of backbreaking preparation .
4 By this approach invasive fetal sampling techniques may be avoided entirely or limited to those cases where confirmation of a positive diagnosis is desirable .
5 Hobsbawm emphasised an important distinction between machine breaking where the machine itself was seen as a threat to employment , and those cases where machinery was destroyed simply as a means of putting pressure on employers in disputes unconnected with its use .
6 Over and above this , however , company promotion involved a different set of entrepreneurial skills from company development , a fact brought out most vividly in those cases where merger or takeover operations failed .
7 But this seems to be one of those cases where thinking can not make it so .
8 Each case turns on its own facts but once the boundary between protectable secrets and general skill and knowledge is crossed the employer can not , even by way of express covenant , restrict the employee 's ability to use those skills once employment has ended ( Faccenda Chicken Ltd v Fowler [ 1985 ] 1 All ER 724 ) .
9 the fraction of those planets where life leads to the development of intelligence
10 But practitioners usually encounter elders at just those times when crisis has broken down the security of routine .
11 In Andalusia little was to be gained by resistance at a time when French power looked invincibly stable : the intellectuals of Seville went over en bloc and acceptance of the inevitable became active collaboration in those groups where hatred of Godoy 's ‘ tyranny ’ had been combined with a qualified admiration for the French Revolution and enthusiastic regalism .
12 Attention is directed to those groups where career expectations have been high but in which opportunities are now severely reduced .
13 of those cars today dad !
14 For that reason it was probably in those districts where consensus management had worked well that general management succeeded most .
15 So you apply an osmo you in introduce the vesicles into into one chamber , apply an osmotic gradient , and those vesicles then fuse with the artificial bilayer , and again if you 're lucky you see a single channel erm appear in the bilayer and you can then stop the fusion process to stop more er channels appearing .
16 Those units where management has ignored or abdicated its responsibility are those that are now panicking in the approach to 1 April .
17 Not surprisingly these features are principally confined to the cities of the province , though we might expect some form of provision at those sites where water transport clearly played a part in moving bulky products like building stone or pottery ( p. 43 ) .
18 This evidence is echoed at a whole range of other small towns , and it is probably safe to suggest a similar interpretation for those sites where strip buildings are well attested but where either excavation or detailed evidence for trading activities is limited , as for example at Water Newton .
19 B8 ) as depending upon the universal tendency towards adjustment of form and process ; to direct investigation towards the essentially multivariate character of geomorphic phenomena ; to admit a more liberal view of morphological changes with time to include the possibility of non-significant or non-progressive changes of certain aspects of landscape form through time ; to foster a dynamic approach to geomorphology to complement the historical one ; to focus upon the whole landscape assemblage rather than upon those parts assumed to have evolutionary significance ; to encourage geomorphic investigations in those areas where evidence for erosional history may be deficient ; and to direct attention to the heterogeneity of spatial organization .
20 More than enough work for at least one such practitioner must have existed in most towns , as there would have been for slaters , tilers and masons in those areas where building stone was in regular use .
21 Nothing is more vulnerable to tangling than loose-hanging net and great care must be taken to clear away any potential snags — and particularly in those areas where bramble , twigs , stalks and other debris have been trimmed to construct the ride in the first place .
22 Nevertheless , ‘ those areas where pressure to build is greatest are precisely those where pressure not to build is also greatest ’ ; but , ending on an optimistic note .
23 In those areas where unemployment was endemic , the NUWM was able to establish roots in the community and to establish a legitimacy as a political movement which usually evaded the Communist Party .
24 In those areas where rain falls seldom , it falls in torrents , rarely in the summer months , on skeletal , degenerate soils poor in humus ; they can retain no moisture and the thin covering of earth is readily swept away .
25 In the case of Japan , writers such as Fox ( 1980 ) stress that long-term planning based on market research has been vital in those areas where innovation , and not just importation , of technology has occurred in Japan , such as the consumer electronics industry .
26 That will be staged in the United States , with stadiums designated in those areas where soccer is strongest , like California .
27 Yet , as we shall see , the last few years have witnessed a remarkable upsurge in research in those areas where quantification is possible , such as strike activity and its determinants ( see Chapter 6 ) .
28 English as a language has given rise to a very large number of accents ; we recognise national accents for those countries where English is the predominant language — Australian , American , New Zealand , British , Irish accents for example .
29 ‘ It took us quite a while to persuade other people just how much tennis in general could benefit , especially in those countries where Government grants are dependent on Olympic membership , if tennis was once again a member of the Olympic family .
30 In those countries where activity is much more sparse a national approach is usually necessary in order to stimulate more work or provide models of good programmes etc .
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