Example sentences of "those who [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 Most woodworkers now own a router , so for those who wish they also had a biscuit jointer , Roy Cannon explains how to use the router for biscuits .
2 But even those who said they joined in order to serve the community ( and there are many ) feel a disappointment upon entering the force as a result of the limited opportunities for this allowed by their duties .
3 Amongst readers of the same paper ( or paper-group as defined in Table 8.17 ) those who said they relied more on the press than on television were more likely to swing in the direction of their paper 's partisanship : Sun/Star and Express/ Mail readers who relied more on their papers swung more strongly to the Conservatives than Sun/Star and Express/Mail readers who relied more on television ; at the same time , Mirror readers who relied more on their paper swung towards Labour , while Mirror readers who relied more on television swung towards the Conservatives .
4 For example , Gallup found that among those who said they would ‘ definitely ’ vote the Tories ' lead was two points compared with half a point among all electors .
5 The working man was so successfully emancipated that he ( and even more , polls suggest , his wife ) ceased to defer to those who said they were his public spokesmen .
6 Those who said they would were unmarried or widowers and probably found the combination of housework , farmwork and off-farm work too demanding .
7 And interest in watching Commons TV declined over time ; the numbers who said they would be or were ‘ very interested ’ in watching dropped from 24% before televising started to 10% after three months , with a corresponding rise in those who said they were ‘ not at all interested ’ from 18% to 30% .
8 Very clear skin responses to the pheromone were recorded — even in those who said they could not detect the odour .
9 And those who said they did not find it a strain expressed themselves for example as follows :
10 How many of those who said they would prefer their husband , wife , mother , etc to go into institutional care had had this wish granted within one year ?
11 Those who said they would prefer the smallest possible instalments , spread over a long period , were most commonly people in lower socio-economic groups , people with current credit commitments , and people with whom the amount they said they would borrow ( if they borrowed money ) was relatively small .
12 However , all those who said they were in favour were asked if their opinions would change if restoration led to the execution of an innocent person , something AI believes is inevitable under any judicial system .
13 Those who said they ‘ liked ’ or ‘ did n't mind ’ housework seemed to be asserting their attachment to the norms of feminine satisfaction with housewifery .
14 Those who said they never revealed that they have cystic fibrosis were more likely to be employed ( 64% ( 110/172 ) v 53% ( 311/585 ) , difference 2.5% to 19% ) , than those who revealed their cystic fibrosis at job interviews , but the questionnaire did not ask about responses to confidential medical questionnaires .
15 One finding of concern is the increased likelihood of adults with cystic fibrosis who said they never reveal their cystic fibrosis at job interviews being employed , compared with those who said they reveal their cystic fibrosis sometimes or always .
16 Many of these hoped to start this course in the next academic session ( 46% of enquirers ) and 58% of those who said they wanted to do a course in the future had made enquiries about it .
17 All those who said they had had the first operation had an appropriate scar and ab absent gall bladder on ultrasonography .
18 More than a quarter of those who said they intended to vote Labour said they either agreed or strongly agreed with the statement that he has served the town well .
19 Beautiful people are often surprisingly insecure , more so than those who fear they are not pretty or handsome enough to attract the opposite sex .
20 The percentages are of those who believed they existed :
21 The hand of friendship , extended so warmly by so many , was rudely brushed aside by those who believed they knew best .
22 When the voters went to the polls , of those who believed they were worse off , 64 per cent voted for Reagan and 25 per cent for Carter .
23 He said that at the party conference , those who feared they had a weak leader , could take comfort from the belief that there was a strong man waiting in the wings to take over .
24 Real fear came on those who thought they were abandoned .
25 Even among blue-collar workers , traditionally strong supporters of Democratic candidates , 62 per cent of those who thought they were worse off than four years previously voted for Reagan and 30 per cent for Carter .
26 But Harry hurried on , consoling himself with the thought that he still retained one secret advantage over those who thought they had the better of him .
27 He did have the ambition to do more serious work , as he had in Saint Joan and he had done in those early days in rep , but suddenly , he had got sucked into a formula that became a very comfortable rut indeed and , surprisingly for those who thought they knew him well , he did n't want to find a way out .
28 If women could enjoy sex as much as men , as the report affirmed , then the implication was that they always should and those who realized they were not achieving Kinsey 's statistical norm of orgasm soon asked themselves why not ?
29 Uncertainty features in two of the accounts of seeking an optimal income distribution , but the fact is that decisions about redistributions are made by those who know they are either winners or losers in life 's lottery and the unbiased perspective that Rawls is seeking is absent .
30 There are those who know they are sinners , confess and try to pursue the good .
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