Example sentences of "those who [verb] their " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ lunatics ’ , in contrast to those who proclaimed their rationality , offered no justifications beyond a dislike for non-whites or a liking for violence .
2 All too often , however , we see him angry , hurt , suspicious of friends as much as enemies , rarely grateful to those who stuck their necks out on his behalf , working obsessively at powerfully emotional works while seemingly ignoring the emotions generated by the domestic chaos around him .
3 The development of industry within urban areas tends to be welcome as it provides employment for those who lose their jobs when older industries become redundant .
4 The area is now faced with a regional conflict — deep and dangerous for those who live there and tragic for those who lose their lives .
5 Those who lose their jobs are reckoned to stand a 50pc chance of securing new employment within three months , ’ said Ronnie Scott of the Economic Research Centre .
6 For those who lose their job , we are making every effort to provide high quality support , through both generous severance terms and counselling services to help identify suitable opportunities outside BP .
7 Any reader can , in any case , place himself or herself within the deictic centre by adopting an appropriate psychological distance towards those who lose their lives at war .
8 With companies in Hereford shedding staff in the recession , the outlook for those who lose their jobs at the RAF base is bleak .
9 The members who got most out of it , and were most appreciated by the Boards , were those who saw their role as a symbiotic mixture of representing consumer complaints to managers and presenting a favourable public relations image for the Board .
10 There may be a matter of principle here for some of those who wish their authors to be concealed : such authors should not sound like the characters they invent , any more than they should express opinions .
11 Lastly , it should not be beyond the capacity of the SNBTS ( undoubtedly the most efficient in Britain and , therefore , quite possibly the world ) to devise a system whereby those who wish their blood to stay with the NHS can be satisfied .
12 As one reads the various strictures of the Old Testament prophets against those who exploit their economic power , I can not help feeling that their major relevance within the U K today is to the trade union movement by the power exercised by elements within it .
13 Several studies of self monitoring in non-insulin dependent diabetes have now been carried out , but no difference has been found in glycaemic control between those who monitor their blood glucose concentrations and those who do not .
14 The generational nature of the Takeshita faction 's split was underlined by the fact that 19 of the 23 first and second-term lower house members of the faction were among those who transferred their loyalty to Hata and Ozawa .
15 The overall message is that those who get their genetic , technical and marketing acts together will survive and prosper .
16 This , surely , is no ‘ damned lie ’ , to claim that those who get their deepest satisfactions from other things are living empty lives , are posturing crabs who swagger the sea-bed in borrowed shells .
17 Those who said they never revealed that they have cystic fibrosis were more likely to be employed ( 64% ( 110/172 ) v 53% ( 311/585 ) , difference 2.5% to 19% ) , than those who revealed their cystic fibrosis at job interviews , but the questionnaire did not ask about responses to confidential medical questionnaires .
18 Those who shove their faces into it ? — Bernard 's view .
19 This attitude was kept alive by the strong sense of the permanence of human arrangements in the matter of property , which seems to us of all things the least permanent : gifts to the Church were made to last till the Day of Judgement , and many of the documents in the Canterbury archives invoked God and all his saints on the Day of Judgement to destroy those who violated their provisions .
20 True happiness for human beings is possible only to those who develop their godlike potentialities to the utmost . ’
21 During the last fifty years the church musician as a kind of freelance ‘ general practitioner ’ has been increasingly replaced by those who derive their livelihood more as school music teachers than from their appointment as parish organists .
22 " We " are those who live in this particular locality and whose ancestors have lived here since time immemorial , or " we " are those who derive their livelihood from this particular piece of ancestral ground , or " we " are those who raise our crops from a particular parcel of ancestral seed , annually renewed .
23 Although corporate jets still ferry in high rollers to the tables of Caesars Palace , the Mirage and the Desert Inn , the hotel and casino industry is working hard on improving its image and , at the same trying to attract the family crowd as much as those who take their gambling seriously .
24 You will be feeling ruthless and ambitious and walking all over those who drag their heels .
25 There has been a longstanding debate between those who draw their inspiration from Marx , and those who follow Weber , as to which approach is more useful as a way of developing a sociological understanding of class .
26 They record him burning with anger against those who practised their faith at the expense of others .
27 The Olympic cynics are those who provide the gift horses , not those who question their presence .
28 Knitters were pressed to rent the stocking frames and those who owned their own found it hard to get work when times were less busy .
29 Among those who owned their own homes the party trailed third behind the Conservatives and the Liberal/SDP Alliance .
30 The poor in spirit , those who recognize their inner helplessness , are ready to confess the words of the famous hymn , Rock of Ages :
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