Example sentences of "should [vb infin] the first " in BNC.

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1 The Prime Minister should answer the first part of that question , but not the second .
2 Other Unionists , including Law himself , were less sure , even though they shared their colleagues " concern about the political and economic situation ; nevertheless it was agreed to go ahead , but that Lloyd George should make the first move .
3 I think that the instructor should treat the first flight on a particular glider as if it was the first flight of the day , and on subsequent flights he should just check for full and free movement and that the surfaces are moving fully .
4 If the family should choose the first method , for example , ensuring that a life-story book is provided , then the child has the option of an identity outside his or her adoptive family .
5 BEFORE THE YEAR is out Paris should see the first sprouting of architect Jean Nouvel 's Tour Sans Fins .
6 The new discipline of industrial archaeology , which emerged in the 1950s , was largely inspired by Rolt 's writing , and it was entirely appropriate that he should become the first president of the Association for Industrial Archaeology when this was founded in 1973 .
7 A brother or father 's brother of the bride should meet the first group ; a sister or mother 's sister of the bride the second group ; a cross-cousin of the bride the third group .
8 BRITAIN should hear the first US election result around 11.30pm tonight .
9 The Americans , reluctant to be accused of seeking ‘ domination ’ , and cautious about giving the Europeans a ‘ blank cheque ’ for costly military assistance in future , insisted that the Europeans should take the first steps towards defending themselves .
10 It follows an editorial policy that believes foreign news should lead the first three pages , that matters of national interest should be philosophically debated in the newspaper 's columns , and that half a page of sport either side of the weekend is enough .
11 It was decided that Wordsworth should write the first book or canto of the tale , Coleridge the second , ‘ and which ever had done first , was to set about the third ’ .
12 In a standardised approach to the immediate resuscitation of a casualty a quick assessment of the airway , breathing , and circulation ( which includes opening the airway ) should allow the first aider to decide whether the problem is unconsciousness alone , disturbed or absent breathing , or cardiac arrest .
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