Example sentences of "should [vb infin] [pers pn] as " in BNC.

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1 The implication in all the sexually discriminatory immigration laws ( continued long after the introduction of the Sex Discrimination Act in 1975 ) is that women are slaves and chattels in their communities , and the government sees no reason why it should treat them as anything else .
2 ‘ What the hell did you expect , that I should treat you as some kind of equal ?
3 You should treat it as a straightforward job of work and get on with it .
4 If an applicant is uncertain as to his plans after marriage , the entry clearance officer should treat it as an application for settlement , and consider whether all the requirements for settlement are satisfied .
5 So when you first go down to the beach , no matter how brown your skin , you should treat it as if you were n't suntanned .
6 If a marble statue of the Virgin Mary suddenly waved its hand at us we should treat it as a miracle , because all our experience and knowledge tells us that marble does n't behave like that .
7 Not all small creatures are pests , some are predatory on the pests themselves , and we should regard them as friends .
8 In fact he takes his role as guardian of these fey fellahin so seriously that perhaps one should regard him as the Brobdingnagian Mayor of Gumnutland .
9 Staff selected for inclusion in the " Relief Pool " should regard it as an experience which will assist their personal development .
10 The drafter should regard it as part of his/her job to advise the business client on the adoption of proper procedures .
11 Now , if we find Carfax first in the middle , Oxford 's on the crossroads principle , like so many cities , we 've got St Giles down here , erm and Oxford of course a small city , or we should regard it as a very small city .
12 I should describe him as an innocent .
13 So yeah , I 'm not sure whether it , whether whether one should translate it as the mountains of Ararat , or the Ararat mountains .
14 These will get better and better and we should consider them as part of our thinking .
15 Should this be announced during my absence , as is not unlikely , I would you should know it as a marriage of convenience , no more .
16 Sergius III had an illegitimate son whom he arranged should succeed him as pope .
17 Prime Minister Mahathir on Dec. 28 , 1989 , advised UMNO ( Baru ) that Deputy Prime Minister Abdul Ghafar Baba should succeed him as leader of the party and of the government .
18 In order to create an individual life in the world , we should use them as colours on an artist 's palette , to paint our own picture .
19 But because it is a writer who is giving us this , and a writer at the beginning of his career , what more natural than that we should see him as writing his way out of all this , as ‘ getting it out of his system ’ as we say , clearing the ground for work that will enact triumphantly his escape , his liberation , his hope .
20 It is most important that the pupil , especially if he has difficulty with spelling , should see you as a sympathetic helper who wants him to learn , and not as an examiner who only tells him he 's wrong .
21 Rather than seeing child abuse as an exceptional problem requiring an exceptional response , and hence a qualitatively different practice , we should see it as part of child care and hence child care practice .
22 The examples in this section are Janus-like , in that the reader may interpret them metaphorically but , in the light of the examples in the previous section , it seems to me that we should interpret them as cases of underlexicalisation .
23 He should face justice , and he should face it as an example to the men of violence on both sides .
24 Perhaps Alex Mair should take her as patron of his power station , a quasi-saint of rationality . ’
25 Prosodists should take it as a manifesto for investigating the links between those intuitions and the linguistic surface of texts , particularly at the phonetic level : rhythmic analysis still needs its empiricists , and Cureton has given them plenty of work to do .
26 Bill 's idea was that they should play it as a ballad instead .
27 We should replace them as the Labour Party 's main op opponents .
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