Example sentences of "way which [pers pn] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 A way of allowing users to search through different types of data — text , images , sound , moving pictures — in ways which they can control .
2 As far as acquisition of language is concerned , it seems clear that reinforcement , casual observation , and natural inquisitiveness ( coupled with a strong tendency to imitate ) are important factors , as is the remarkable capacity of the child to generalise , hypothesise and ‘ process information ’ in a variety of very special and apparently highly complex ways which we can not yet describe or begin to understand , and which may be largely innate , or may develop through some sort of learning or through maturation of the nervous system .
3 It is probable that current developments in IT will solve many of our present and future problems in ways which we can not foresee .
4 Conservatives ( and Christian feminists also to some extent ) seek alternative ways in which the female can be symbolized in the religion , ways which it must be thought are less than satisfactory , and which become increasingly unsatisfactory as that for which women stand in our society changes .
5 On the other hand , for a task such as fault diagnosis he will be thinking about it in various structured ways which he can reveal by talking about it and exploring verbally why he looks at particular indications or takes particular actions .
6 And is not the thought of , say , blue different from the thought of green in some way which we may one day be in a position to describe , just as we are now able to describe the causal conditions for the experience green which is different from the experience of blue ?
7 The confidence that often comes with maturity can help us to voice our sexual preferences to our partners in a way which we may have been inhibited about in the past , and the ability to communicate sexual needs gives a good foundation for a satisfying relationship .
8 The New Testament teaches us that God is present and active in this world through his Holy Spirit , who is able to enter the hearts of individuals , giving new qualities of life and understanding in a way which we can not fully grasp , though we can experience it .
9 Their cumulative force can serve to point out weaknesses , both in the content of a belief and in its expression in words , in a way which we can helpfully discuss with other people .
10 And it 's a bit like that , and what happens , ’ and they go , went on and explained what happened and why it was interesting , and in particular why , by doing this , you could come up with an X-ray source which can help cure cancer , and can do scans in a way which you ca n't do by other methods .
11 That means that both the nature and the significance of the test must be explained to you beforehand , in a way which you can understand .
12 Clive Barker ( 1977 ) of Warwick University has given new substance to the use of games in the training of actors and Brian Watkins ( 1981 ) has evolved a theoretical framework conceptually linking drama and game in a way which I shall attempt to build on in the next chapter .
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