Example sentences of "way in which he " in BNC.

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1 Because Karajan was a legend in his own lifetime and thus in some ways indistinguishable from the legendary figures of the past , it is important not to overlook the ways in which he effected a thoroughly modern revolution in both the method and the manner of orchestral training .
2 This is probably best accomplished by asking the patient to describe difficult situations he has experienced ( such as death of a parent , break-up of a relationship , or loss of a job ) and the ways in which he managed to resolve them .
3 There were endless ways in which he could have made my activities seem a nuisance , positively damaging to our marriage , or — which would have been worst of all — merely trivial .
4 If it enabled the latter the crucial theoretical move of being able to reject the classical empiricist conception of knowledge , it was also to put him in the position of even castigating as ‘ historicist ’ any attempts to account for theoretical discourse in terms of its historical conditions of production — perhaps one of the major ways in which he differed from Canguilhem and Foucault .
5 And then , in Camus , who made the most immense journey from his origins ( his mother was illiterate ; a neighbour read her the telex saying he 'd won the Nobel Prize ) , I found someone who stated , in the most affirmative and human terms , the ways in which he remained dependent on them .
6 He 'll identify ways in which he can help Steven .
7 And then read and learn about the structure of the opposite sex and the ways in which he or she functions .
8 List of the ways in which he has altered me .
9 The family member also progressively adapts so that the effects of the disease are largely the progressive effects of that adaptation — The disease always gets worse if it is not treated but nonetheless the family member develops ways in which he or she can somehow live with the disease .
10 And I heard enough about the grisly ways in which he like to make sure his questions were answered .
11 If the Minister wants to retain this unitary Parliament , he had better start looking at the ways in which he can secure the rights of the people affected .
12 ‘ But civilisation has changed the ways in which he can express this instinct .
13 If she did , he would know at once that there were certain ways in which he could still get to her .
14 Discuss one or two poems by Tennyson which illustrate the ways in which he expresses emotion .
15 Discuss one or two poems by Tennyson which illustrate the ways in which he expresses emotion .
16 Moreover , poems produced at Cnut 's behest ( Thorarin Praise-Tongue was paid fifty marks for his Tøgdrápa ) , although obviously biased in his favour , can imply much about the ways in which he wanted to be seen .
17 erm He apparently is adopting the position of a scientific naturalist , and yet all the ways in which he talks about nature are ways which personify it .
18 Yes , but unlike Eliot and Empson , Pound — by the abrupt , brusque and aphoristic way in which he delivers his critical judgements — insists that we understand them as immediately spun off from the imaginative work , thrown over his shoulder , as it were , as he hurries from one part of the workshop to another .
19 ‘ Perhaps Martin Edwards will admit that he has made a mistake selling to the person he has done and the way in which he has sold it .
20 He disapproved of his bishop ( A. A. David ) for the tough way in which he handled three recalcitrant Anglo-Catholic priests who refused to conform to rules laid down by the bishop and yet did nothing about the radical dean of the cathedral who did things equally nonconforming in a Low Church direction .
21 The manner of Charlie 's death in this particular incarnation , coupled with the way in which he is able to look back over his earlier experiences no doubt contributed a lot to the fate of Eliot 's Phlebas ,
22 Though explicitly Christian , ‘ Journey of the Magi ’ forms between the earlier and later work a bridge over which the reader ( with access to the gospel word ) may cross into the release of Christianity , the new birth ; but , denied that access , the speaker of the poem can only seek relief in death to escape from having to return to the old way in which he is ‘ no longer at ease ’ .
23 So will the way in which he championed the traditional principles of technique .
24 Some of his achievements are cheered by all , or nearly all : the way in which he stitched together an international coalition against Saddam Hussein ; the way he managed to use the United Nations to prosecute American policy ; his courage .
25 He recalls , without explicit statement ( though their letters affirm it ) , the way in which he and Helen interwove poetry with their own voyages of mutual discovery : We treat them [ poems ] as parts written for ourselves to act , in the spirit , as they were written by the poet , in the spirit .
26 For all that , the way in which he was publicly rebuked by Peter May , the chairman of Selectors , after returning home , and appointed only for the first Test against India , annoyed many people by its insensitivity and seemed to be about as productive as the shooting of Admiral Byng on his quarterdeck .
27 He conceded that it was hard on Alexander , and later came to respect him greatly for the way in which he gave Worrell his fullest support as vice-captain .
28 There is no way in which he can free himself from my control , not unless I lose my nerve or allow him to be abducted by some plagiarist , and not unless I allow any of my own present personal dilemmas connected with my own personal escape to lodge unbeknown to me in the words which make up this fictional character .
29 You , if you are well informed , can then point out that there 's a way in which he can get tax relief on his donations .
30 Although Saddlers ' Hall , runner-up to Toulon in last year 's St Leger , did not defeat strong opposition , it was more the way in which he achieved this victory that impressed and he is certain to be a force later in the season .
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