Example sentences of "way in [pron] you " in BNC.

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1 Clearly , it is important to consider each of the ways in which you can safeguard your equipment because it is no use avoiding all the flying hazards if you are going to write off your glider on the ground .
2 There are ways in which you can soften it .
3 With modern varieties there are so many ways in which you can grow them , such as unheated greenhouses , outdoor patio pots and tubs and trailing bounteous croppers for hanging baskets .
4 Are there any ways in which you would , or do , bring up your own children differently ?
5 Under her guidance there are many ways in which you can assist in looking after someone who is very ill .
6 It must be stressed that the doctor 's advice should be followed ; but there are ways in which you , under the guidance of the community nurse , can help to improve the conditions which affect many residents :
7 A real teacher is unlikely to use an instruction like this , for 11-year-olds : ‘ Find three ways in which you can tell from the drawings ( of spider and crane fly ) that they are the same as each other and three ways in which they are different . ’
8 A real teacher is unlikely to use an instruction like this , for 11-year-olds : ‘ Find three ways in which you can tell from the drawings ( of spider and crane fly ) that they are the same as each other and three ways in which they are different . ’
9 This booklet has been written to help you understand more about solvent misuse and to suggest ways in which you can help your children , whether they are sniffing or not .
10 BEING THRIFTY Some of the ways in which you can be thrifty with food will be covered in the next chapter and energy management discussed in Chapter 3 , should make a significant difference to your heating bills in the winter .
11 In these two offices all your rights , and those of your elderly parent , to State benefits , pensions and special concessions and allowances can be explained , as well as ways in which you may apply for grants and other forms of help in some circumstances from various voluntary organisations .
12 This also very good ear training and of course it multiplies the ways in which you can finger your licks .
13 Are there ways in which you can avoid or alter these circumstances ?
14 ACTIVITY 6 15–20 mins Does your work area use primary nursing as a delivery system ? if so , make a note of any ways in which you think it could still be improved .
15 There are two ways in which you can react to the aftermath of a successful marathon .
16 There are many ways in which you can help yourself without incurring extra costs , either on your own or with a small group of friends .
17 I am grateful to you for your prayers , fellowship , cards , letters , flowers and the many practical ways in which you have surrounded me with God 's love .
18 There are several ways in which you can do this — I use a professional glazier 's staple gun which is both quick and efficient , but if you find this too expensive an investment when you first begin pressed flower work you can use a hammer and nails instead .
19 There are various ways in which you can finish a picture .
20 There are two ways in which you can achieve this look .
21 There are many ways in which you can improve your chances of becoming pregnant before you need to involve your doctor .
22 Are there any ways in which you react now to conflict situations which have been affected or constrained by something you have learned from the past ?
23 Are there ways in which you should adjust your attitudes to .
24 Let's now look at the various ways in which you can improve the insulation of your home , giving each one a rating that indicates how cost-effective it is .
25 Indoors , there are many ways in which you can adapt your environment to suit the needs of your pets .
26 There are two ways in which you can get at the money in your High Interest Cheque Account , whenever you want , without losing any interest .
27 Here are just a few of the many ways in which you can use potatoes — we hope you enjoy them .
28 There are two ways in which you can take advantage of SWIFTAIR 's priority handling .
29 The experience you will gain as a governor will soon show you ways in which you can support and enhance the system .
30 There are many ways in which you can help schools provide relevant and interesting learning for young people .
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