Example sentences of "way [Wh det] [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If such needs are incompatible with the needs of other groups for control and direction over what tasks will be performed and how work will be carried out , conflict will result and be expressed in ways which may obscure the underlying cause of conflict , such as strikes .
2 He mentioned the need to bring out the practical application of subjects , in ways which would enhance rather than displace theoretical understanding .
3 Experience was being acquired in other ways which would serve to advance independence .
4 The idea that one first denies to the poorer areas of Europe the opportunity to compete on costs , to move their exchange rates and to operate their fiscal policies in ways which would attract private investment , and then compensates by redistributing funds on a vast scale , is socialism at its silliest .
5 The emergence of semi-literacy in England of all places , in ways which would make other civilised nations shrink in disgrace , is central to the catastrophe , and will be described alongside the accounts of the libraries and books themselves .
6 In such an environment the electrons would oscillate in ways which would depend upon the details of the positive charge distribution .
7 Even during our period a great part of agriculture was conducted in ways which would have been quite familiar a hundred , even two hundred years earlier , which was natural since striking results could still be achieved by generalising the best methods known to pre-industrial farming .
8 They are not attempting to modify the existing law in ways which would help the prosecution .
9 From the trade unionists ' viewpoint the effect of Quinn v. Leathem was seriously to curtail their power to operate in ways which would strengthen the working-class movement against employers .
10 Judicial independence means that judges are not dependent on governments in ways which might influence them in coming to decisions in individual cases , though their promotion , like their appointment , is effectively in the hands of the Lord Chancellor with , nowadays , a measure of Prime Ministerial intervention .
11 Not that he anticipated great trouble — most of the fell people were there to entertain themselves in ways which might appear rough and sound loud but came from characters largely tolerant , polite , gentle , qualities widely commented on , coming from the ease of great and graceful physical strength , the pacific , solitudinous nature of the daily lives , and a long experience of continuing community .
12 What is at issue is whether improved resource levels should be used to make special schools internally more satisfactory , doing what they have historically done but doing it in some sense more efficiently , or whether those resources are used in an attempt to improve the general education service in ways which might reduce its need for transferring pupils to special schools .
13 The Chancellor also took the opportunity to nuance his support for German reunification in ways which will reassure those fearful that precipitate moves to unification might unsettle the Soviet Union and threaten the improvement in East-West relations .
14 Land managers are being encouraged to manage woodlands in ways which will favour the dormouse , including introducing nesting boxes .
15 We also intend to bring forward proposals to introduce competition into the important field of housing management — in ways which will enable tenants to participate .
16 What should we do to help re-build the frail economy , prevent old scores from being settled in ways which will lead to even further insecurity .
17 These might include : a ) providing encouragement and support for young women and ethnic minority students to try for jobs they have not traditionally applied for ; b ) provision by employers of Work Experience placements to schools from which they have not previously recruited ; c ) reducing sex-stereotyping in Work Experience ; d ) enriching the curriculum in science and technology subjects in ways which will make them more attractive to young women ; e ) improving education and training opportunities for young people with disabilities .
18 I beg to move , to leave out from ’ House ’ to the end of the Question and to add instead thereof : regrets that Her Majesty 's Government 's preoccupation with divisions in its own Party has meant that in the Inter-Governmental Conferences it has not taken the negotiating approach necessary to ensure that the United Kingdom exercises decisive influence on the future of the Community in ways which will help to advance the living and working standards of the people of this country in company with other peoples of Europe ; calls upon Her Majesty 's Government to work for an agreement at the European Council which ensures inclusion of the Social Charter , qualified majority voting on social and environmental matters , powers for the European Parliament to hold the Commission to account in ways that complement the role of national parliaments , decision-making at the level — local , regional , national or Community — where maximum democratic control is at all times exercised , foreign and security policy co-operation without the development of a European Community military role , widening of the Community as rapidly as practicable , co-operation to combat terrorism and other crime , and strengthened powers for ECOFIN as the politically responsible counterpart to any European Central Bank system ; and urges the Government to work to secure agreement to , and adopt policies for , high levels of employment , sustainable non-inflationary growth , balanced regional and national economic development and social cohesion , and for the fundamental reform of the CAP , in order to achieve real economic convergence in the years leading to economic and monetary union and a single currency as the essential foundation for those changes and to safeguard the long-term interests of the people of the United Kingdom . ' .
19 The flow of information between a lower level and a higher level can be handled in a number of different ways which will have markedly different consequences for the speech recognition task .
20 The Cockcroft Committee 's recommendation relating to graduated tests is stated in para 553 of the report : a study should be commissioned to consider whether it is possible to devise a means of providing evidence of achievement in mathematics for lower-attaining pupils in ways which will support , and not conflict with the provision of suitable mathematics courses in schools .
21 such as ideologically based preferences and the need for linkage between central and peripheral implementation agencies , Tarrow argues that both the pluralist and the Marxist approaches pay insufficient attention to the political leverage which the periphery may exercise over the centre , and to the possibility of communal interests being voiced in peripheral areas in ways which can have real effect on the centre .
22 Unless they are given opportunities to express their grief in appropriate ways which can include weeping for loss , they will never be able to acquire the creative energy necessary to find a new job .
23 There must be no other court proceedings under way which might result in the end of your marriage .
24 When a vehicle is being weighed , the weigher should satisfy himself that all the wheels are on the plate and clear of the surround , and that no person is on the vehicle or the plate , or interfering in any way which might affect the weighing , and the engine must be switched off .
25 ‘ Can I make it absolutely clear we do not intend this to happen , will not let this happen and will not introduce change in a way which might cause it to happen ? ’
26 remove or tamper with the Trade Marks or other means of attribution or identification used on or in relation to the Licensed Products use the Trade Marks in any way which might prejudice their distinctiveness or validity or the goodwill of therein use in relation to the Products any Trade Marks other than the Trade Marks and the trade marks of and MacEnglish as set out in Schedule 2 B or used by in the Territory any Trade Marks or Trade Names so resembling the Trade Marks or Trade Names of as to be likely to cause confusion or deception .
27 I did n't have the time , nor would I have expected to be romanced in a way which might have encroached on either of our careers .
28 Moreover , these correlations only achieved overall significance when the junctions were grouped in a way which may make sense , but was clearly post hoc .
29 Here the discourse proceeds through a repeated grammatical structure ( to X and not to Y the/for Z ) into which different words are slotted , creating a rhythm which is finally broken in the last phrase in a way which may seem to imitate the sense of relief and reward the prayer concerns .
30 It is not good enough to use language which blurs the sharp reality , as for example : ‘ the ultimate control of the Company is seen in law as residing with the owners or shareholder ’ as if to suggest that there is some other and valid way of seeing it , a way which may put the ultimate control , at least in part , elsewhere .
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