Example sentences of "way [prep] [pron] they " in BNC.

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1 This factsheet can only suggest some of the ways in which they may help you .
2 Pointes can and do have an enormous part to play in classical ballet because there are so many ways in which they can be used to give character and variety to a role .
3 However , this begs many questions about the ways in which they will respond and some of these issues will be identified later .
4 Ruth Merttens and Jeffrey Vass ( 1987 ) in an article headed ‘ Parents in schools : raising money or standards ? ’ discussed ways in which they structured the involvement of parents with their children 's learning of mathematics and Boland and Simmons ( 1987 ) describe ways in which they altered parents ' and children 's attitudes to reading .
5 Ruth Merttens and Jeffrey Vass ( 1987 ) in an article headed ‘ Parents in schools : raising money or standards ? ’ discussed ways in which they structured the involvement of parents with their children 's learning of mathematics and Boland and Simmons ( 1987 ) describe ways in which they altered parents ' and children 's attitudes to reading .
6 There should be discussion between governors and the head about the best ways in which they can work together to complement each other 's efforts .
7 The aim of the game being to find out ways in which they do things better than you do rather than the other way around .
8 We have been able to explore , through what they told us , the many different ways in which they respond to this challenge .
9 Most of all , they give us a unique insight into the quality of family relationships in later life , and the variety of ways in which they could be constructed .
10 As the young runner 's confidence grows in this way the coach 's job is to fuel the novice 's dreams by suggesting practical ways in which they can be achieved .
11 The pronounced physical differences between them result only from the contrasted ways in which they are erupted .
12 A more positive view of women readers has been suggested by , for instance , analysing what girls say about their reading ( Frazer 1987 ) , or by examining the ways in which they incorporate its models into their own writing .
13 It is felt that by doing this the planning department can gain a better understanding of the information needed by the business units , their concerns and possible ways in which they could be assisted .
14 We have to control for the other ways in which they might vary .
15 They share similar landscapes and they share a similar history of ways in which they have worked to make a living .
16 This latter publication lists , by county , important archives ( and suggests ways in which they may be used ) .
17 Finally , Sources for English Local History by W.B. Stephens ( Cambridge 1981 ) is a quite indispensable guide , for not only does it refer to archives and collections , but suggests ways in which they may be used , and does so by major subject categories : population and social structure ; local government and politics ; poor relief ; charities , prices and wages ; industry , trade and communications ; agriculture ; education ; religion ; and houses , housing and health .
18 In fact when LEAs increase the amount of inspection work they are required to carry out , this could well be one of the ways in which they are able to help schools move forward .
19 They are influenced by the beliefs which people have , which affect the ways in which they behave and in which they use their resources .
20 They had already suspected what the problems were , and Liz and her parents soon started to discuss ways in which they could deal with the backlog of paperwork .
21 In a study by Mayes into various measures of testing the readability of guides , he found that guides were jargon-filled , unappealing etc and suggested many ways in which they could be made more readable .
22 Charles Darwin 's work forced his generation and the generations since to restructure the conventional ways in which they thought about humanity 's role in the world .
23 A real teacher is unlikely to use an instruction like this , for 11-year-olds : ‘ Find three ways in which you can tell from the drawings ( of spider and crane fly ) that they are the same as each other and three ways in which they are different . ’
24 A real teacher is unlikely to use an instruction like this , for 11-year-olds : ‘ Find three ways in which you can tell from the drawings ( of spider and crane fly ) that they are the same as each other and three ways in which they are different . ’
25 Gradually they hope to strip away the disguises and help both partners to understand themselves and each other better and recognize the ways in which they interact .
26 Because food additives are so important in hyperkinetic syndrome , you need to be aware of other ways in which they can be consumed .
27 An Outreach scheme has been devised which divides the parish into six areas , each manned by teams of church members whose job it is to identify ways in which they can provide help and report back to the church .
28 From the 11th century , such events had been popular for about 500 years but over the centuries there had been great changes to the ways in which they had been conducted .
29 ‘ What was needed was a new look at the problems and the ways in which they might be solved , both in the UK and elsewhere .
30 Ministers were invited to look at ways in which they could help people in responding to or coping with grief .
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