Example sentences of "way [pron] would [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 In many ways I would prefer to live in one place , but taking old and derelict houses and making them relive again is a source of enjoyment to me .
2 I know this may not be popular … in some ways I 'd prefer to drop Strachan … but he keep defying age & playing brilliant ! !
3 He mentioned the need to bring out the practical application of subjects , in ways which would enhance rather than displace theoretical understanding .
4 Experience was being acquired in other ways which would serve to advance independence .
5 The idea that one first denies to the poorer areas of Europe the opportunity to compete on costs , to move their exchange rates and to operate their fiscal policies in ways which would attract private investment , and then compensates by redistributing funds on a vast scale , is socialism at its silliest .
6 The emergence of semi-literacy in England of all places , in ways which would make other civilised nations shrink in disgrace , is central to the catastrophe , and will be described alongside the accounts of the libraries and books themselves .
7 In such an environment the electrons would oscillate in ways which would depend upon the details of the positive charge distribution .
8 Even during our period a great part of agriculture was conducted in ways which would have been quite familiar a hundred , even two hundred years earlier , which was natural since striking results could still be achieved by generalising the best methods known to pre-industrial farming .
9 They are not attempting to modify the existing law in ways which would help the prosecution .
10 From the trade unionists ' viewpoint the effect of Quinn v. Leathem was seriously to curtail their power to operate in ways which would strengthen the working-class movement against employers .
11 She also asked Pamela to try again during the next week to draw up a list of ways she would like her parents to change .
12 As we 'll see another if this was a black book of Freud 's , and in some ways you would say this was one of the blackest .
13 Usage also varied , in ways one would expect , during each day .
14 In other words , I saw the town as being completely different towards him at the outset of the film , and then in snide little ways he would turn them against him because he carried his violence with him .
15 In some ways it would have been wiser to remain backstage , allowing his presence to be felt , the sight of him reassuring everyone .
16 In a way his personality does influence the way I would vote , because I think I can trust him . ’
17 ‘ I do not like your arrogance and your questions , and if I had my way I would arrange an accident or have you thrown into some deep dungeon until everyone had forgotten about you ! ’
18 People say I kicked him in the head but there is no way I would do that . ’
19 Steven Isserlis has said that he needs ‘ a safety net not to have to worry whether I 've ever played this or that bar properly during the session and also someone who knows the kind of musical personality I am and whether I have covered a particular stretch of music the way I would want .
20 On the way I would stop at a restaurant and have lunch and then continue , taking my time .
21 The way I would start forming a band would be to get a bass player and drummer first ; get a core of people who are on my wavelength , especially on the bass , and a drummer who 's got a really good right hand , almost like a jazz player , who can play light and not just hard .
22 I recognised my own handwriting and the way I would scrunch up a calendar date before throwing it away .
23 No matter that I had no experience , I had rehearsed this role for years , blocking everything out — right down to the way I would sit , ministering to the words of the desired object — yet never believing that I might actually perform .
24 But the point is that I do n't see myself as a playwright in the same way I would see myself as a prose writer .
25 The way I would see it is that there is a need for a broad consensus between government , IDB , LEDU , DED and all the various government agencies and community groups , economists and experts and the people on the ground themselves , because I do n't think the government has it within their power to solve the problem and I do n't think experts have it within their power to solve the problem .
26 and just the , the part here , I mean this , this I do n't know if it 's right or if it 's wrong but when you said I wan na put twenty quid towards my children 's future perhaps the way I would see is I , I would think twenty quid 'll go nowhere for their future , it 's gon na be a lot more expensive so as you 're openly offering me to take the money off you for that I would have perhaps gone down to try and commit you towards that need there and then to see how important it is and then , because when I er eventually bring back erm the sort of agenda and say look it 's gon na cost you a hundred and twenty quid a month erm you 're sort of sold on the idea .
27 I , I believe that has but the only way I would ask you to ensure this
28 About feminism itself , I think that the way I would define it is women having some say , some control over how we 're born , how we live and how we die .
29 The only way I would qualify that is by saying that to stay a sound company you have to do lots of things .
30 He said : ‘ I do n't agree with Jack Charlton 's long-ball tactics , but there were glimpses of the way I would like to see the Republic play .
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