Example sentences of "way [prep] which she " in BNC.

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1 From the opening piteous pleas with shaking hands as the dancers sink to the floor in the depths of their sorrow , the choreographic pattern of the overall rhythm is seen to swell in size and intensity as the music does until there comes the gleam of hope , a quiet moment when a child-like figure dances in wonder at the ways in which she can explore not only the space in which she moves , but also the ways in which she shapes each part of her body into an ever flowing design .
2 From the opening piteous pleas with shaking hands as the dancers sink to the floor in the depths of their sorrow , the choreographic pattern of the overall rhythm is seen to swell in size and intensity as the music does until there comes the gleam of hope , a quiet moment when a child-like figure dances in wonder at the ways in which she can explore not only the space in which she moves , but also the ways in which she shapes each part of her body into an ever flowing design .
3 There were so many ways in which she could help , and by doing so she might mitigate the fears which crowded upon her when dusk fell .
4 So a female researcher is more likely to recognise , and pick up certain cues , or pick up the ways in which she 's not actually being addressed , than a male researcher necessarily .
5 There can be no doubt that Linda Nochlin has played an important role in making feminist interests and priorities visible ; this collection shows some of the ways in which she has brought these issues to the surface over the last twenty years .
6 The therapist encouraged Pamela to make a list of ways in which she would like her parents to change in terms of providing her with greater freedom .
7 However , she had encountered difficulties in drawing up a list of ways in which she would like her parents to be more tolerant .
8 The requirements of each learner are different , and the ways in which she learns best also differ .
9 The fecundity of the Great Mother gives rise to numerous ways in which she can be defined .
10 He recalled other ways in which she had led him on ; the snowy mittened fingers laid on his arm during their walks , the occasional side-glance as if to show that he did not displease her , her endurance , to say the least , of his company .
11 Her materials consist of marble dust , gypsum cement , resins and rhoplex , but the ways in which she works with them are based on a kind of body language , using gestures that are related to her subject matter .
12 May I warmly congratulate my right hon. Friend both on her statement this afternoon and on all the ways in which she works for the British interest both in Europe and elsewhere in the world ?
13 Those choking fits , for instance , and the way in which she followed her routine so unerringly .
14 The only way in which she has made any reference to what happened during the night has been in the form of two pictures .
15 This seemed a way in which she could begin to discuss things more openly with them .
16 The way in which she copes is a real test of her understanding .
17 Although her breathing became a little faster as she imagined this part of the scene , she did not become noticeably distressed in any way ; in fact she told me that she felt really pleased with herself for the way in which she had handled the situation .
18 The best example of this was the way in which she stung the Government into action to do something about AIDS .
19 He was aware of her superiority , of the way in which she had stood by herself , not seeking out the company .
20 ‘ I will look after Celia , ’ Liza replied , picking up the telephone , and the calm decisive way in which she handled the situation sent Edna running off up the lane with Bobby , without further demurrence .
21 At birth , Piaget sees the infant as having no a priori knowledge of her environment or of the way in which she can act upon it .
22 ‘ When you went shopping together here , did she ever say anything about the way in which she usually spent her allowance ? ’
23 Gittins 's work is useful not only because of the way in which she highlights gender , but also because her empirical data broaden out from the household and show that women at least have , under certain circumstances in the past , been involved in the use of kin relations to maximize resources across households .
24 In the third and highest phase of development the child understands the way in which she differs from and is interdependent with the outside world , and once again feels ‘ at home ’ in the world .
25 The way in which she had dispatched her attacker would certainly make news .
26 She was also rather surprised by the way in which she took her own newly-acquainted charms , for she was almost as determined as Janice to make the best of herself , and she had more to make the best of .
27 in such of the terms on which she is offered employment as make provision in relation to the way in which she will be afforded access to opportunities for promotion , transfer or training or as provide for her dismissal or demotion ; or
28 If only there were some way in which she could let him know that his feelings for her were not something for which he needed to apologise without landing them both in a situation from which they could not retreat .
29 He would baffle and intrigue her , just as he had done Cassie on their first meeting ; and Cassie could think of no way in which she could explain him away .
30 She thought that he was about to choke , or to strike her down , and that would be the end , the very end ; but did she not deserve it , and more , for the way in which she was speaking to him ?
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