Example sentences of "may turn out to " in BNC.

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1 The biographer of T. S. Eliot , who was himself to speak of the ‘ dark ’ experience , of the ‘ rude unknown psychic material ’ , incorporated in his poem The Waste Land , can be seen in Hawksmoor to contribute to the tradition of romantic fabulation which began with the Gothic novel — a tradition in which darkness is privileged , in which a paranoid distrust is evident , in which can be read the evergreen message that the deprived may turn out to be depraved , and in which there can be two of someone .
2 It is up to each one of us , he wrote , at every point in our lives , to decide how much order and how much disorder , how much discipline and how much freedom we need for the best realization of our project of the moment , even though that project may turn out to be flawed or even utterly mistaken in the short run , of course I am only talking about the short run , he wrote , in the long run , as I have already said , both success and failure are quite without meaning , the notion of meaning is quite without meaning .
3 In desperation , he finally raised not only his own glass but also hers — a graphic reminder of how fragile the veterans ' , and by association Mr Li 's own , power may turn out to be .
4 Robin Cook , Labour 's spokesman on health , said he believed that commitment may turn out to be ‘ too modest ’ by the time of the next general election .
5 ONLY three weeks into his term , South Africa 's President , FW de Klerk , took what may turn out to be a milestone decision and announced the unconditional release of all but one of the black activists jailed more than 20 years ago in the Rivonia treason trial .
6 That may turn out to be the case as the likes of Ferrari , Williams-Renault and Benetton-Ford get into their stride later in the season , but on the streets of Phoenix , Senna had no trouble in scoring his 27th win .
7 It has also been running for the past three weeks against The Free Frenchman , which may turn out to be a turbo-tortoise but which started as the turn off of the week .
8 President Bush also came away from his talks with Mr Gorbachev in Malta convinced that the Soviet leader recognised that German reunification may turn out to be unavoidable , but that it must come as part of a wider European endeavour to end the post-war division of Europe .
9 President Bush also came away from his talks with Mr Gorbachev in Malta convinced that the Soviet leader recognised that German reunification may turn out to be unavoidable , but that it must come as part of a wider European endeavour to end the post-war division of Europe .
10 It is crucial that they be given a wholehearted , well-funded chance ; for otherwise the court of last resort may turn out to be the one where the Master of the Rolls holds sway .
11 It is crucial that they be given a wholehearted , well-funded chance ; for otherwise the court of last resort may turn out to be the one where the Master of the Rolls holds sway .
12 One candidate is the leg musculature , which may turn out to be constructed from slower , more efficient fibres than those employed elsewhere .
13 Poland 's gain may turn out to be India 's loss .
14 Mitigating the causes of the crisis has to continue , of course , but the dominant issue may turn out to be crisis management within the triple-P of problems caused by poverty , pollution and population .
15 They may turn out to be Of equal value to those who do .
16 Which brings me to what may turn out to be the tragedy of this election .
17 The award winner in the urban category was Bridgefoot Multi-Storey in Stratford-upon-Avon , which may turn out to be just the attraction the town needs to woo back Shakespeare-mad Americans jumpy about international travel in the wake of the Gulf War .
18 The 1991 season may turn out to be Jon Solly 's last serious crack at the 10,000m , but he is confident that he can get as far as Tokyo for the World Championships .
19 It may turn out to be one or two meetings only or a much longer period of time .
20 Another thing I have tried , which may turn out to be an even better proposition than sweetcorn or the like , is swimfeeder-fed luncheon meat .
21 While this instrument is in a way value-neutral and may be used for ends of which different commentators may approve or disapprove , it may turn out to be — is indeed intended to be — a powerful force for overdue change , increased coherence and strengthened accountability .
22 In seminars held there last Thursday and Friday two groups of scientists announced what may turn out to be the first evidence of CERN 's greatest discovery yet , a particle known simply by the letter W. If proven the discovery will vindicate all those who pushed for the means to make it possible .
23 THE WELL-PUBLISHED sacking of Sir Ralph Verney , chairman of the Nature Conservancy Council last month may turn out to be the only the second worst blow to the council this year .
24 The guidelines may turn out to be unworkable .
25 Clients are likely to be less forgiving of mistakes due to ignorance and incompetence , particularly as those mistakes may turn out to be more expensive than they have been hitherto .
26 If this is not the case , then an otherwise ideal candidate may turn out to be unhappy doing the work and therefore fundamentally unsuitable .
27 The widower strikes no such fear into the heart , even though , in reality , he may turn out to be just as big a responsibility .
28 These anomalous properties of water may turn out to be of considerable importance in the preparation of homoeopathic remedies .
29 But some of the alleged failures may turn out to be actual failures , and the Institute may have to take disciplinary action against the firms in question .
30 This may turn out to be an important development in new materials .
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