Example sentences of "may not [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The problems listed above — and others — are real ones and may not easily be overcome .
2 The golfer 's name may not easily be discovered , but it may be easy to determine the landowner 's identity .
3 THE British economy may not exactly be booming , but at least it is picking itself up .
4 Many of the meats in this category may not immediately be labelled as sausages in your mind , but this is where they fit in the standard delicatessen classification .
5 However , he has said : ‘ If social services want to keep some kind of data about the additional services which may not immediately be necessary , I do n't think the process is going to open them up to a legal threat . ’
6 Although the final result may not not be known until mid-morning , computer predictions indicated Mr Major was on his way back to Downing Street with a small majority .
7 The effect is that matters disclosed in this way may not later be the subject of warranty claims .
8 Pam Nelson may not yet be a household name but if this young American progresses in the same manner as previous Pilkington Glass U.21 Champions Steffi Graf , Arantxa Sanchez , Jana Novotna and Manuela Maleeva , then it will not be long before her name appears in the latter stages of the world 's leading tournaments .
9 Arthur Golding 's translation of Ovid 's Metamorphoses may not yet be ‘ canonical ’ ; but it is a lot nearer to being so because Pound campaigned for it .
10 But in fact the worse may not yet be over .
11 Many books published in the last decade or so seem to underline the importance of ‘ anticipatory grieving ’ , with the result that relatives and friends can be forced into expressing emotion they may not yet be ready to express .
12 It may not yet be the FBI but , just as in the movies where the American flag stands behind the FBI chief 's desk , Mr Mullett has already propped the Union flag against the wall .
13 But a case which is of enormous embarrassment to sport may not yet be over and the International Amateur Athletic Federation might not regard the matter as closed .
14 It is very important that we recognize the possibility of accepting the best features of comprehensive schools while getting rid of the worst , remembering with reasonable humility that the schools were introduced in the first place as experimental , and that all the trial and error may not yet be over .
15 She needs to find someone or something to blame for the catastrophe that has overtaken her , so she looks for reasons , because she may not yet be ready to face up to the extremely anxiety-provoking fact that life itself is unpredictable and the world is an insecure place .
16 We may not yet be a vigilante state but there is no doubt that more people feel compelled to mete out their own justice rather than entrust it to the police and courts .
17 And we in the church may not yet be an army ‘ mighty and terrible with banners ’ , but we can muster resistance by coming together in little bands of hope ready to strike in deep raids behind enemy lines .
18 PETER MARSHALL may not yet be the household name outside squash that Jonah Barrington was , but he could be very soon .
19 If you were already receiving this , your benefits will not be affected by the age change and you can continue claiming the full benefit even though you may not yet be 55 .
20 Even in the former case , however , the younger child may not yet be capable of sustaining an adult sexual relationship and sexual activity with a more mature individual might disrupt relationship development at that stage .
21 It is unwise to attempt to tackle these various aspects of second stage recovery in any great depth before the completion of a full two years of recovery from primary or family disease because emotional and spiritual recovery may not yet be sufficiently secure to be able to take on these further challenges .
22 ‘ I may not yet be family , but I do know enough about you to know you do n't have a stepbrother . ’
23 It is appreciated that the dates for some events may not yet be finalised .
24 More naturally , consider ( 42 ) : ( 42 ) Johnny : Hey Sally let's play marbles Mother : How is your homework getting along Johnny ? whereby Johnny 's mother can remind him that he may not yet be free to play .
25 Although it may not yet be easy to detect the overall depletion of atmospheric ozone in the whole of the northern hemisphere , there is evidence which suggests that Europe 's ozone layer has thinned by about 3 per cent in the past 20 years , according to research published earlier in the year .
26 there 's still a feeling Nick Brown may not yet be out of the woods .
27 As a politician , Alan Keen may not yet be in the Premier League but he thinks the Boro will be next season .
28 The recession may not yet be over but , with repossessions stable , house sales may take off again .
29 Mr Birt 's display of candour and remorse has not stopped the seepage , leaving the vague impression the whole story may not yet be known .
30 Thus , the Scottish Law Commission in para 5:23 of their Memorandum 25 , observed that s62(4) : … is of importance since the introduction of the rule that property in sale might pass without delivery would otherwise have been possible by resort to transactions in the form of sale to circumvent the rule that a security over moveables may not generally be constituted without transfer to them .
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