Example sentences of "may [vb infin] [art] long " in BNC.

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1 Stillwater fish are often found in deepish water when the weather is cold and this may entail a longer cast .
2 Sir , If you please to send me a scarlet Cardinal [ a short red cloak ] , and let it be full yard long , and rather longer than a yard long , and let it be full , for it be for a large Woman , they tell me I may have a long one , and a handsome one , for 11s but I shou 'd not be willing to give more than 12s , but if you have any as long as that , either duffil or cloth , if it is cheaper , I shou 'd like it as well as , for I am not to give but 12s for it .
3 However , where the assumption is a letting for a term expiring after the actual term on the terms of the actual lease , the hypothetical lease may have a long period without review .
4 Although humans may have the longest lifespan of any mammal , giant tortoises have the longest recorded lives among vertebrates .
5 Many French dishes are basically simple but may take a long time to prepare in the traditional way .
6 treatment may take a long time ; and
7 A few young people are really ‘ stuck ’ on glue or products and it may take a long time to help them .
8 There are frictions in the markets for capital , labour , and products , and it may take a long time for changes in the pattern of demand to work their way through the system .
9 It may take a long time discussing the parents ' child-rearing philosophy and even discussing their own childhood experiences of discipline to unearth the cause of these deep-seated feelings .
10 Relationships once broken in this way may take a long time to heal .
11 Non-typists have difficulty finding the desired keys and may take a long time to type even a short word .
12 Magazines like NI do change public opinion , though it may take a long , long time .
13 It 's business , may take a long time .
14 Companies which find it more difficult because it 's the centre of their existence , erm , are clearly looking at the situation , but will actually take a very long time to move to the position which you , in your particular group would like them to occupy , and I understand that , changing in I C I is rather different from changing at I B M , and er , therefore it takes longer , but I do see a a consciousness , it 's the same conscious , you 're impatient for change , quite rightly , companies of course , have to keep their employees in an earning capacity , at the same time , er , move towards the position which you would like to them to do , and it may take a long time , but I accept your point , which is with some companies , then in fact , your clearly going to get attention of some kind .
15 collection of data may take a long time especially if the survey covers a wide geographical area
16 Lastly , careful use of space in the table layout may go a long way towards helpful guiding of the eye .
17 To wait until their children are in the secondary stage may seem a long time for delay .
18 For those contemplating a university course , graduation may seem a long way off — 1997 and beyond — and thoughts of what to do afterwards may understandably be equally distant .
19 A. The tank sounds a bit on the small side to me , which may prove a long term problem , though it does n't seem to be causing any difficulties at present .
20 Sometimes , when a volcano erupts in the sea , massive carpets of floating pumice accumulate on the sea around it and may drift a long way from it .
21 The former , which is more draconian , may reflect the longer term perceived treatment needs of the men .
22 For others , a visit to the clinic may involve a long journey , time lost and money spent , with the net result a prescription for medicine which there is no possibility of buying .
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