Example sentences of "may [adv] [vb infin] a " in BNC.

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1 To these users , a visit to the doctor may eventually mean a visit from the police .
2 The magisterial pronouncement of Sir George Macdonald on the Antonine Wall has now been overthrown by the brilliant study of the samian by Brian Hartley ( 1972 ) , and the work at Carpow and other Severan sites will help to stabilize the dating of the pottery of this period , so with more revisions and adjustments , we may eventually have a framework which will endure , but only possible since all the groundwork had been so carefully prepared .
3 ‘ We may eventually have a slightly longer season — even accounting for a reduction in Premier League matches .
4 The Soviet Union may eventually accept a loosely formulated neutralisation of this country if Vietnam proves tractable .
5 However , drawing a line so roughly has its limitations : the eye can deceive and the heart may secretly desire a particular outcome .
6 On 24 November the lawyers replied ‘ respectfully to state our opinion that Your Majesty may properly grant a Royal Charter ’ , but it was not until 14 February 1844 that Thomas Turner was able to report to the standing committee of veterinary surgeons that their determined efforts had been rewarded and that the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons had been incorporated .
7 It must involve some acts being done in State B , over which the law of that State may properly exercise a measure of control .
8 To operate in the PC environment you may additionally need a windowing environment like GEM or Microsoft Windows , an EGA or Hercules card and matching screen , a mouse and , in some instances , an AT rather than a PC .
9 The sunk costs involved in building a strong market position may additionally become a barrier to entry , even if the intention was ‘ innocent ’ competition rather than a deliberate strategy to exclude potential competitors .
10 In some cases you may only choose a maximum of one unit of a specific type , for example you can only have one Mob of Big'uns .
11 In some cases you may only choose a maximum of one unit of a specific type , for example you can only have one regiment of Reiksguard Knights .
12 Also , some squares in the pattern may only match a square on the edge of the board .
13 This provides that a court may only make a care order if it is satisfied that the child concerned is suffering significant harm .
14 The linear relationship between plasma gastrin concentration and the enterochromaffin like cell density previously reported may only reflect a more prolonged endogenous hypergastrinaemia in those with the highest gastrin concentration two hours after administration of the drug .
15 Distortion of doubly-degenerate states gives two maxima , but often these are not resolved , and we may only observe a broadening of the band .
16 As Donald Rees from the South West Water Authority told the Lords : ‘ It is all very well lining a sewer at half the price that it would cost to build a new one , but in fact it may only last a quarter of a normal funding life and may therefore be uneconomic . ’
17 One year A tenant may only serve a request for a new tenancy under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , s26 , if his tenancy was granted for a term of years certain exceeding one year or for a term of years certain and thereafter from year to year ( Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , s26(1) ) .
18 The problem is that despite all the well-intentioned efforts of those who have devised the various syllabuses , whether for the old CSE/ ‘ O ’ levels or the new GCSE , what can be accurately assessed may only represent a small part of what arts education is all about .
19 A man of 25 in that position may only get a multiplier of 13 or 14 .
20 Depending on the complexity of your operations this may only take a couple of man weeks and could be repeated at regular intervals to monitor progress .
21 If a teenager has been feeling acutely depressed for some time , then it may only take a trigger such as exams , to tip her over the edge ( suicide is the third most common cause of death among the under 25s , and the peak months are April to July ) .
22 If you decide to stock the pond with fish , frogs may only become a nuisance in the spring , as unattached male frogs can cling onto the fish , causing them distress and have even been known to suffocate them by clamping onto their gills .
23 The democracy movement outside China may only play a more substantial role if a new power vacuum allows the exiles to return home — although , like Sun Yat-sen 's Tongmenghui party after the 1911 revolution , they may still be outmanoeuvred by domestic political forces .
24 There is also a time bar : the Commissioners may only investigate a complaint if it is made within 12 months from the date the aggrieved person first had notice of the matter complained or , but a Commissioner has power to accept a complaint outside the time limit if he considers that there are special circumstances which make it proper to do so .
25 Differences of opinion exist among scholars ; sometimes the appearance gives very little to go on — details may have been rubbed off or we may only have a small fragment of a large object to examine ; two or more origins may be possible contenders and it may be impossible to decide which on stylistic grounds alone .
26 So sometimes a horse may only have a bad habit in relation to a certain rider , and in that case it will be the rider who will need the extra training .
27 When I asked Alison what qualities you need to be a marketing controller she said , ‘ you need to be able to establish immediate empathy with the people you are talking to as you may only have a short time to get the feedback you need .
28 Harry may only have a walk-on part at Birdland , but he 's still the star of the show .
29 The transsexual , once stabilized in the role long seen as the only natural one , may naturally want a normal family life .
30 ‘ I often think how poor Mr. Green would have trembled for the issue , as the passing of this beautiful Property with many hands may exceedingly disfigure a neighbourhood , which he poor man often busied his hand in beautifying . ’
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