Example sentences of "may [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now it may for the game that if he can cover the square number twelve , he will score more points than if he covers the square with the nine .
2 I can not accept the argument that the words ‘ the interests of the State ’ in this context mean the interests of the amorphous populace , without regard to the guiding policies of those in authority , and that proof of possible ultimate benefit to the populace may for the purposes of the Act justify an act of spying or sabotage .
3 All the evidence to date — and there is a considerable body of it by now — shows that physical methods of punishment ( the deliberate infliction of pain on the child ) may for the time being suppress the behaviour that it is meant to inhibit but will not form character .
4 or such greater percentage ( which may be 100 per cent. ) as may for the time being be prescribed .
5 This may involve the following behavioural changes : * the wife may return to full-time work to increase the family 's total income ; * expenditure on other items , such as cars or holidays , may for the time be reduced ; the couple may place an increased value on the enhanced personal prestige attached to the ownership of the larger property , and will be prepared to accept the financial consequences of enjoying this enhanced prestige .
6 9.13.1 the Landlord may as the agent of the Tenant sell such property and the Tenant will indemnify the Landlord against any liability incurred by [ it ] to any third party whose property shall have been sold by the Landlord in the mistaken belief held in good faith ( which shall be presumed unless the contrary be proved ) that such property belonged to the Tenant
7 before before the meeting proper may I refer you to first of all the voice amplification system is currently working but er there are some difficulties with it and it may during the day deteriorate to a state that it is more trouble than it 's worth .
8 For instance , the right reserved under paragraph 1 of the third schedule to this lease refers to " Pipes which may during the term be … under … the Premises " .
9 1 Use of pipes The right to the free and uninterrupted passage and running of water sewage gas electricity telephone and other services or supplies from and to other parts of the Centre or any Adjoining Property in and through the Pipes which now are or may during the Term be in under or over the Premises This is a standard reservation and the tenant may wish to ascertain at the outset just exactly which are the pipes at the commencement of the term that will be the subject of this right .
10 The I 'm your representative for the minster governors and I 'll be slipping out later on this evening if I may of the installation of the new headteacher , that will be seven minutes time so if you 'll excuse me .
11 Of course , nowadays , fashions in fragrance do mirror those in clothes ; it 's no coincidence may of the world 's best-sellers have been created by top designers .
12 ( 2 ) The statement of accounts shall comply with any directions given by the Secretary of State with the approval of the Treasury as to — ( a ) the information to be contained in it ; ( b ) the manner in which the information contained in it is to be presented ; or ( c ) the methods and principles according to which the statement is to be prepared , and shall contain such additional information as the Secretary of State may with the approval of the Treasury require to be provided for the information of Parliament .
13 and shall contain such additional information as the Secretary of State may with the approval of the Treasury require to be provided for the information of Parliament .
14 For example a manufacturer who sells his goods to a wholesaler may in the contract exclude his liability in respect of defects in the goods .
15 The decision of the Divisional Court in the Manchester Corporation case is not binding on this court and , although it may in the event have reached a conclusion with which I would now agree , I find the reasoning by which that conclusion was reached wholly unconvincing .
16 With hindsight , it is apparent that new entrants experienced difficulty in predicting customer demand , and may in the event have overestimated the sustainable level .
17 Chicken may in the past have been lean , but modern farming does not allow the birds to exercise and it also ‘ fattens ’ them quickly , so their meat may not be quite as lean as current nutritional data indicates .
18 Although Stalin 's insistence on absolute control may in the fullness of time have evolved into an emphasis on ensuring ultimate control , Soviet leaders in the 1980s still operate within the essential security framework which Stalin bequeathed to them .
19 It is a distinction which may in the end prove more suggestive than serviceable : the author who tells , and who can be accounted something of a ventriloquist , may well , for instance , be more than capable of carnival , and may even be every bit as plural in his works as his dialogic counterpart .
20 The additional strain may in the end be more rewarding , more life-enhancing than one would ever have felt possible .
21 However , the demand for the relevant , the practical , and the vocational that was part of the raison d'être of the GCSE has at the same time been answered in a different way , which may in the end prove embarrassing to the DES and the SEC , and may seem to promise yet another shift of power .
22 whether this is only a temporary down-turn which may in the end not necessitate redundancies on the scale now envisaged ;
23 To talk of pacts and electoral agreements is much too ambitious at this stage , and it may in the end be impractical or unnecessary .
24 And that may in the end prove inadequate for any unforeseeable expenses .
25 The novel argues in cold , unremitting fidelity to its own thesis that in life the evil may in the end go unpunished and live happily ever after ; that the truly self-sufficient being , if he anywhere existed , would be ultimately inviolable , fearing neither reproach nor self-reproach ; and that those who are strong enough to live without sympathy are forever beyond the reach of compassion or revenge .
26 The signals coming from Spaak and others may in the end have led Britain to underestimate the determination of the Six and to overevaluate its own ability to pull the OEEC states , including the Six , round to its own viewpoint .
27 This collateral damage to otherwise healthy bits of tooth may in the end have to be dealt with itself .
28 On the practical level , changes in social policies which reduce women 's claims to maintenance on men but do not recognise that changes in the division of responsibilities for caring between men and women within the family and between the family and the wider community are also required , may in the end be counter-productive as far as women are concerned .
29 For the minor channels , and here we may include BBC2 and Channel Four , and may in the future add local cable stations , considerable opportunities exist to report on developments in the field of mental handicap .
30 This explains that ‘ Our recommendations begin with matters such as how people may in the future learn more effectively what being a citizen actually means … .
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