Example sentences of "may [pron] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In any case , may I be assured Father will study that sheet ? ’
2 So I am going to suggest ways of finding out about earth energies and of understanding the processes involved , how the ancient peoples related to them , and how we may ourselves be able to build a stronger link .
3 The prize is the motto printed next to the tray : ‘ Freedom from Five Enemies ’ , ‘ May you be Well and Happy ’ .
4 Presumably it is an overreaction to a number of points that we have noted : that no logical guarantee of the soundness of our abductive sense can be provided ; that our substantive conception of reality or of the aim of inquiry may itself be revisable ; that while experience might lead us to abandon a theory with some confidence , proper acceptance should be postponed to the long run — true theories are survivors .
5 Such expectations are not always fulfilled ; but , when they fail , this may itself be informative about the structure of the turbulence .
6 In some circumstances , the information thus gained may itself be relevant to issues in pending proceedings , in which case the order is a means of obtaining evidence abroad .
7 It may record its disagreement but ultimately accept the majority 's support of the development ; it may refuse to meet its financial obligations until the organisation ceases the action in question , although this may itself be contrary to the treaty ; it may regard the action as having no legal effect ; or it may withdraw from the organisation .
8 Since there is no suggestion that their perception of their own situations may itself be explicable in holist terms , the two accounts are distinct , but are also complementary ; the conceptual space occupied by agents reflects the constraints under which they labour .
9 The submissions may be drawn together but can appear anywhere in the judgment or they may simply also be scattered through the judgment amongst the judicial reasoning , which may itself be discursive .
10 Another problem is that he does not deal with the fact that an ‘ intent to harm ’ may itself be ambiguous : in certain contexts , it may be seen as a good thing , in others as bad .
11 However , using indirect criteria in this way is no more reliable : one simply falls into a different trap , because the item which stands in the ‘ same ’ meaning relation in different contexts to the lexical form being tested may itself be ambiguous .
12 The library can of course gain access to the media of television , radio and particularly newspapers indirectly without formalizing a promotional campaign , provided it has something newsworthy to offer ( and it may be that a library promotional effort may itself be newsworthy ) .
13 May we be caring and considerate so that other people trust us and feel proud to have us for friends .
14 May we be helpful and reliable so that other people can trust in us and find our friendship valuable .
15 We know it is foolish to be too trusting of other people , but may we be prepared to take risks sometimes and give other people a chance to get close to us .
16 May we be open and honest and trustworthy so that other people are never afraid of getting close to us and need never be afraid of us hurting them .
17 May we be wary of judging people by their wealth .
18 May we be patient with people who find it hard to understand us .
19 May we be patient with those people whose lives have been difficult and who feel bitter and resentful .
20 May we be worthy of it this day .
21 May we be generous with our friendship and learn to be forgiving .
22 Not only may there be difficult in persuading contributing members of the company to pay a suitably enhanced price but also it may be difficult to satisfy the conditions for the company to qualify as a ‘ family company ’ for the purpose of obtaining Capital Gains Tax Retirement Relief .
23 Although warranties may be implied by statute , not only may they be inadequate , but the vendor will want the purchaser to acknowledge it has not relied on any warranty , representation or undertaking unless expressly set out in the sale agreement .
24 5 ) What are " contract markets " , and why may they be significant in industrial goods marketing ?
25 7 ) Why may it be difficult for a supplier to sell his products to a company that makes use of a multi-individual Decision Making Unit to make purchase decisions ?
26 Treatment group was the most important determinant of the outcome measures considered ; these included three ‘ first day ’ measures which may themselves be useful predictors of subsequent outcome — that is , median and minimum arterial-alveolar oxygen tension ratios and packed cell volume .
27 The parts may themselves be complex and may be conceived as having their own subsidiary purposes in confluence with the system purpose , these are sub-systems .
28 All systems are constructed from bought-in components which may themselves be complex enough to warrant a human factors evaluation .
29 Although most economists agree that PPPs give a more accurate measure of the relative size of economies than market exchange rates , this still leaves a problem : the original local-currency figures may themselves be unreliable .
30 As in the previous areas discussed , objects may not merely be used to refer to a given social group , but may themselves be constitutive of a certain social relation .
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