Example sentences of "may [verb] from [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Complaints may range from criticism of the architecture of the house to criticism of the methods available for doing housework :
2 As the people from whom paper SPRs originate may range from software developers with an intimate knowledge of the software to users with only a rudimentary understanding of computers , it is advisable to route incoming SPRs through a single responsible authority , or one per project , associated with the LIFESPAN manager .
3 It may be caused by an accidental or inadvertent release from an industrial plant , and the effects may range from annoyance ( e.g. odour ) through minor illness or discomfort ( nose , eye and breathing irritation , coughing , nausea ) to , in some cases , serious illness or even death as happened at Seveso , Bhopal and Chernobyl ( table 7.3 ) .
4 Vulnerability may arise from dependence upon the fiduciary for information and advice , the existence of a relationship of confidence , or the significance of a particular transaction for the parties .
5 This state may arise from anger , a temper , being contradicted , feeling mortified o from physical pain itself .
6 Sexual dysfunction may arise from fear of pregnancy or parenthood , anxiety as to the possibility of venereal disease , guilt as to a child 's disability , or anger at the sex role thrust upon one by society .
7 Disagreement may arise from failure to agree facts or amounts included in the accounts .
8 In endemic areas in the northern hemisphere infection may persist from year to year in two ways :
9 Language is not merely a neutral medium for the conveying of information ; it can trigger emotional responses which may spring from prejudice , stereotyping or misunderstanding .
10 Only one quick injection is necessary to help give you the protection you may need from flu .
11 Only one quick injection is necessary to help give you the protection you may need from flu .
12 We may know from experience that whenever we have two equivalent bonds related by symmetry ( a 2-fold axis C 2 , a mirror plane σ or an inversion center i ) , their motions combine to give symmetric and antisymmetric stretching vibrations .
13 Some health workers may benefit from education , examination , and resources for wise management .
14 Any family member of someone suffering from primary addictive disease may benefit from attendance at meetings of appropriate Anonymous Fellowships and may even benefit from residential care .
15 Effective treatment obviously depends on isolating the cause , and if necessary your vet may recommend that in a particular instance a dog may benefit from assessment by an animal psychologist , specializing in behavioural problems .
16 Smokers who are motivated to give up the habit may benefit from cessation clinics or self-help groups , although smokers should be cautious about claims of high success rates made by some clinics .
17 Some practitioners , especially singlehanded ones , may benefit from training initiatives for doctors to reduce ‘ sympathetic prescribing ’ under pressure from patients .
18 Changes in the balance of other hormones or growth factors , which are as yet unknown , may result from fundectomy .
19 However , an age dependent reduction in secretory volume and gastric acid concentration in the presence of histologically normal mucosa has also been reported , suggesting that a reduction in acid secretion with age may result from attenuation of secretory pathways or from end organ resistance to physiological stimuli .
20 The sharing of antigenic determinants by germ free rat colon and a lipopolysaccharide extract of Escherichia coli suggests that the anticolon antibodies and associated cell mediated cytotoxicity may result from stimulation of the gut associated lymphoid tissue by cross reacting enterobacterial antigens .
21 The problem of the damage that may result from litigation is undoubtedly a real one , and argues against giving shareholders unrestricted standing to sue , which might otherwise be regarded as a plausible means of increasing the chances of enforcement .
22 Departments will have to place a monetary value on any destruction of the environment that may result from government policies , meaning that environmental impact will be assessed at the same time as other benefits and costs .
23 It is not too strong to say that it is impossible to test Marx 's thesis regarding the labour theory of value at a micro-economic level because Marx and Marxists have totally disregarded any element of profit which may result from risk-taking .
24 A third source , the Chronicle of 452 , gives a date of 415 , which is plainly wrong , although the error may result from confusion of Athaulf 's period of rule in Narbonne with the later settlement .
25 coping with behavioural problems which may result from disruption in the child 's life — 50 per cent of adopters ' referrals to the London Post Adoption Centre ( PAC ) concern behaviours such as attention-seeking , bedwetting and truanting .
26 Because of this , and because there are rare human disorders in which self-mutilation may be a feature ( e.g. Lesch-Nyhan , deLange , and Tourette 's syndromes ) , and which may result from neurotransmitter changes , it is possible that neurotransmitter disturbances may contribute to self-cutting .
27 As changes in extracellular cyclic nucleotide concentrations may result from glucagon or atrial natriuretic peptide hypersecretion , plasma values of these two hormones were assayed in 15 normal subjects , 10 untreated , and 10 treated patients with coeliac disease .
28 So they 're all , they 're trading off their gains from economies of scale , right , with erm , variability of , of income that may result from sort of , putting all their eggs in one basket , so diversification is the main way in which farmers cope er , with an uncertain environment .
29 For instance , if the proportion of domestic consumption which came from domestic production rose then this may result from trade suppression , or the existence of dynamic effects producing lower prices in an industry exhibiting comparative advantage within the integrated area .
30 Also , endoscopic treatment has the advantage of pre-emptying the obstruction that may result from radiotherapy .
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