Example sentences of "very [adj] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The work on markets was very concentrated around the early 1970s , at about the time of appearance of Outline of a Theory of Practice .
2 ‘ I 'm very supportive of the changes .
3 ‘ We have been very very supportive of the exchange and all the operations that have been going on .
4 Singh 's silence prompted Indian newspapers , which had tended to be very supportive of the Prime Minister , to publish some highly critical articles .
5 In the past these people have been very supportive of the police .
6 Jim Wilkie , the council 's director of planning and economic development , said English Estates was very supportive of the strategic sites study recommendations .
7 ‘ George Graham has been very supportive in the last few years , during which I 've come through a lot of problems .
8 My family and friends were very supportive throughout the divorce because they could see it was the right thing as we were n't making each other happy .
9 Several transports were sent to convey us to the camp , and they were certainly less basic than the RAF ones we were used to , and when we arrived at the aircraft hangar where the jollifications were being held , it was ablaze with coloured lights and swarming with people , and a seven piece band was being very loud on the platform .
10 And , so it 's very loud on the dance floor but you can actually talk out , out here .
11 Angie was very loud at the time and being really crazy , so we all got on famously .
12 It sounds very loud in the phone box .
13 It is very profitable to the place , as also in the number of shipping employed in bringing it to London ’ .
14 ‘ The individual products are not very profitable by the standards of a Hoechst but represent a good market for a small company . ’
15 She had been there before and was very tolerant of the young man plying her with questions .
16 He was a young and hopeful solicitor , still very junior in the practice .
17 The induction into values and beliefs is here very low-key with the emphasis on personal search .
18 It can be very demoralising for a man to find that his partner , though somewhat advancing in age , is diminishing in size .
19 Of course , in the 1960s or 1970s they were less likely to be called projects : they were ‘ schemes ’ , or ‘ plans ’ , all very redolent of the ‘ planning ’ of the public sector , indeed of all economic life in those Wilsonian days .
20 And these are very extensive as a glance at the examination syllabuses will reveal — including mathematical , statistical and financial techniques , economics and accounts , probability and statistics , institutional investment theory and the mathematics of finance .
21 We were very alive to the fact that the Howie review was raising issues of integration and articulation that Further Education could n't afford to ignore .
22 Crofters were very apprehensive of the possible changes .
23 I put inbetween the thighs three Arquesbusade bottles , one full of Camphorated Spirits very rich of the Gum ; one containing 8 oz of Oil of Rosemary ; and in the other 2 oz Oil of Lavender .
24 The fact is that the rich retained most of their income and wealth , although there was , quite clearly , some transference of wealth and income from the very rich to the middling rich sections , as indicated in Table 6.3 .
25 But it is equally clear that direct , participatory democracy is , if not impossible , at least not very practicable in the modern world , and is in any case a recipe for bad government : " a community in mass is ill adapted for the business of Government … all numerous assemblies are essentially incapable of business . "
26 We were always rather intrigued with their eagerness and how they all seemed to pick up and wallow in the atmosphere of this period when it was very trying for the squadron commander if he was not on the evening .
27 Sunshine on snow affects all shooters whatever position they take up , because the sun and snow together produce glare and this is very trying on the eyes — especially at ground level .
28 Ballantyne 's boys simply stare while one of Golding 's boys is not appreciative and very destructive towards the tree .
29 This squeezing in of lymphocytes and blood vessels is itself very destructive to the normal architecture of the tissues , and in rheumatoid arthritis even erodes the bone until the joint is completely destroyed , causing crippling deformities .
30 Like most of the true crabs they can be very destructive in the reef tank .
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