Example sentences of "very [adj] so [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Natural wastage in AEA is currently very low so if there is a need to reduce numbers this will need to be through further redundancies .
2 The proportion of energy imports , however , will fall very little so that any economic improvement resulting from Spain 's lessening of oil reliance will be dependent on the market prices of imported gas , coal and crude oil .
3 Stress affects posture : often people look slumped , their shoulders sag and they hunch their back ; alternatively they hold themselves very rigid so that the muscles of the shoulders and neck especially are set ; their face takes on a fixed expression with perhaps staring eyes or clenched jaw ; muscular tics and involuntary twitches can arise ; for some people cramp is stress-related .
4 We recently acquired a darts board and this has proved very popular so if you have spare darts and/or a darts board , carpet bowls or skittles these too will be received with gratitude .
5 Sitting in Brussels , his information sources are very limited so that , if the legislation is to be effective , the official depends on information brought to him from outside .
6 Like many Sicilian buildings the windows are very small so as to exclude the hot sunshine ( 215 ) .
7 A magician lives in the house everyone says that he 's very grumpy so if you meet the magician you must be very polite .
8 Hilton 's Scale gains , perhaps , over some other later descriptions of the way in being very wide and very general so that the individual can find his own way therein without being embarrassed by a bundle of inapplicable particularities .
9 The problem is solved if the central core is very thin so that there is no room for reflection .
10 Because the gas turbine operates at a constant speed of 90,000rpm , it is very efficient so that fuel consumption and emissions are low .
11 ‘ She knew the lads and said they were very nice so that made it easier to audition for them . ’
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