Example sentences of "new [noun] [verb] over " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It all came to an end when the new chairman took over .
2 New authorities take over in 1996 .
3 In non-metropolitan England , the nine largest former county boroughs , all with populations above 200,000 , began ‘ a campaign within two months of the new authorities taking over , to win back some of the powers they had lost to the counties ’ ( Alexander 1982b:64 ) .
4 April 1996 The earliest date for the new authorities taking over
5 The industry 's expansion is the result of the IDA 's efforts to create a new industry to take over from the ailing assembly , light manufacturing , and textile industries that started Ireland 's industrialisation in the early 1950s .
6 The new LEAs took over the responsibility to provide adequate facilities for elementary education and in addition were authorised to provide ‘ education other than elementary ’ , either by setting up new secondary schools or by aiding existing ones in their area .
7 Does he not also accept that much of his programme was going to come about in any event , that he has deliberately delayed the urban programme announcement , that six of our valleys are still not designated areas under the Act and that a proper revitalisation of the valleys would require massive and genuinely new investment spread over at least eight years , not advertising hype spread over three ?
8 The new queen takes over as sole reproducer and soon swamps the colony with her own offspring .
9 Five years on from the original 1988 Wagner Report , the group made ten recommendations for the future beginning with the establishment of a new body to take over the group 's function .
10 The only relief is that some of the heads wither away as new ideas take over , so that old techniques and formats become redundant .
11 Staff working at Hartlepool 's Middleton Grange Shopping Centre have been assured that their jobs will be safe when new owners take over from the borough council .
12 ‘ He was a new name taking over a side whose fans were expecting big things .
13 The night was clear , and arched up from the hills with a new moon rising over their crests .
14 ‘ Th'should stand firm , ’ Jess said , letting her new role take over , then going very red at her own daring .
15 These new bodies took over the management of some 200,000 civil servants and 8,000 armed forces personnel — around 40 per cent of the civil service .
16 Scotts claimed to be looking for a new franchiser to take over its hotels when the contract with Holiday Inn expires in July 1992 .
17 When a new Manager took over the Transport Department in 1933 , he was keen to modernise the Promenade and Fleetwood tramway and build up the bus system .
18 Yer know that our ole boxin' Club 's gone down the drain since those new geezers took over .
19 The UN knows that much of the Cambodian army has not been paid for some time , so , until a new government takes over , it is considering paying the troops itself .
20 He used to be a crane driver dear for , yeah he used and I 've got to , one of me sons now is a foreman for , well they 're not now it 's , it 's sort of amal amalgamated with another firm now I think , but he does , he does erm , he 's a foreman like now , he used to be a truck , crane driver and my , the very night that my hubby died on the following Monday he would of been working in Harlow , he got a new crane to take over in Harlow and he 'd been working away from home for weeks and months of the year always away , coming home weekends and I used to have to cook and do his washing and pack him up for going off again Monday morning early , but he never was near home working then , and as I say the night before he went he was , he was gon na work on the Monday to in Old , to Harlow down where the new er place was for and it unfortunately cos he went .
21 On Dec. 31 , 1989 , Aquino announced sweeping Cabinet changes in an attempt to deal with some of the charges made against her by the rebel soldiers , with nine new appointees taking over key government posts [ see p. 37121 ] .
22 Meanwhile the ethereal life of Ranveer , Bubbles and Socks , an unworldly trio who react in a childlike way to every sling and arrow as if permanently looking for Nanny , starts to unravel when a new administrator takes over the game park with thinly veiled hostility towards his country 's nobility .
23 If the purchaser is setting up a new company to take over the business of the vendor , since that new company will have no track record , the landlord may well be entitled to look for additional security , such as a parent company or bank guarantee or a rent deposit .
24 The new idea turned over in her mind as Mrs Stocks , all eager now , pressed for more details .
25 This new venture aims over a period of three years to train up to ninety students not only as teachers of BSL but as BSL English interpreters .
26 It may still be economical to print ten or more but when hundreds or even thousands of copies are required a whole new technology takes over .
27 and their new greenhouse leaning over like a tent
28 If the Bill receives the Royal Assent next summer , elections to the new shadow authorities are due to take place in May 1995 with the new councils taking over in April 1996 .
29 The row over Digital Equipment Corp 's decision to end manufacturing in Galway and try to find a new tenant to take over the manufacturing plant — which DEC owns , will not die down , and now the European Commission is to investigate Irish allegations that the UK government lured DEC into keeping its Ayr plant open at the expense of Galway : Commerce & Technology Minister Seamus Brennan , in Brussels for a meeting of European Community industry ministers , said Dublin had asked Competition Commissioner Karel van Miert to probe media reports that DEC had been offered inducements to keep the Ayr plant open — but no-one seems to have said just what these alleged inducements are ; the UK government on Friday denied the allegations , saying any assistance it might or might not have given would have been fully in accordance with Community rules , and invited Community auditors to ‘ come and look at the books any time ’ .
30 New face takes over at Nivea
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