Example sentences of "first [noun sg] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 The first runner to reach the top is not necessarily going to hold his lead on the descent .
2 It was their first opportunity to treat the murder in detail .
3 When an azure-winged magpie is fooled into accepting a cuckoo 's eggs , the cuckoo chicks will take the first opportunity to push the magpie 's own eggs out of the nest .
4 Tagro v Cafane gave the Court of Appeal its first opportunity to examine the scope of liability under the 1988 Act , and to resolve some perceived difficulties in the new provisions .
5 Visitors will have their first opportunity to experience the new system when the castle opens on 3 April .
6 By comparison with his three immediate predecessors — Kilwardby , Pecham and Winchelsey — he may well appear near illiterate , and , except for Hubert Walter in the 1190s , he was the first archbishop to combine the primacy with the chancellorship of the realm , which tended rather to compromise the first than the second office .
7 THE first case to reach the High Court of a child seeking to ‘ divorce ’ her parents began today behind closed doors .
8 The first case to raise the issue of marital rape after Clarence was Clarke in 1949 .
9 The first writer to make the connection was Polydore Vergil , whose version became , with flourishes , the standard Tudor account .
10 The first writer to make the connection was Polydore Vergil , whose version became , with flourishes , the standard Tudor account .
11 He won six amateur titles from 1926 to 1934 and became the first Canadian to win the United States amateur crown , in 1932 .
12 General Erich von Falkenhayn , who had replaced the discredited Moltke as Chief of Staffon 14 September 1914 , determined as a first measure to reduce the fortress of Antwerp , where King Albert , with the tenacious Belgian Field Army of six divisions , had taken refuge in August .
13 Of the greatest significance is the establishment in Luxembourg of a Community court of first instance to relieve the pressure on the Court of Justice .
14 The ICA thought that in view of the cost of an inspection visit it might be more appropriate in the first instance to approach the solicitor concerned for an explanation of the delay .
15 Thanks to I have become the first DECcie to join the greatest mailing list in the world ; - ) .
16 The very evident tendency of the end of the first part to overshadow the final Sacrificial Dance is one problem he convincingly solved , partly by restraining the former but mainly by injecting an extraordinary degree of ferocity into the fragmented rhythms of the latter .
17 The very evident tendency of the end of the first part to overshadow the final Sacrificial Dance is one problem he very firmly and convincingly solved , partly by restraining the former but mainly by injecting an extraordinary degree of ferocity into the fragmented rhythms of the latter .
18 The following Christmas she beat Gaye Brief by a neck in a thrilling race at Kempton Park and three months later ( in the meantime winning the Wessel Cable Champion Hurdle at Leopardstown ) took advantage of his absence from the Champion Hurdle line-up to become the first mare to win the race since African Sister in 1939 , though she had to fight hard before scrambling home by three quarters of a length from Cima .
19 G M B pensioners were represented on the first delegation to visit the E E C in Brussels , in an effort to secure parity with the pensions in other European countries , and we also took part in the pensioners parliament in Luxembourg last year , to help to draw up a Pensioners ' Charter for Europe .
20 6 One movement in a single section but in two different versions ( no. 5 ) has a timing , but it is not clear to which version this timing relates ; however , the composer 's autograph direction , ‘ Point viste , mais marque ’ and those given in the Cauvin MS ( Versailles , Bibl. mun. , Ms mus 226 ) and the 1729 edition ( ‘ Rondement et marque ’ ) , together with the stated desire on the first folio to shorten the work , strongly suggest that it is the shorter version of 60 bars to which this timing applies .
21 They will be the first force to use the car , which makes its international competition debut at Monte Carlo next year .
22 The Ministers arrived at first light to find the palace dark and empty , the huge rooms barely lit by a few lamps placed here and there showing the furniture covered in drapes .
23 Cassie woke just after first light to hear the drone of their engines fading in the direction of the sea .
24 Over the next few seasons debts continued to mount and in an unprecedented move Athletico again made history , becoming the first club to introduce the £1 pork pie .
25 So it was that Huddersfield became the first club to win the Cup with a penalty .
26 Chapman had put the Town on a firm footing that would see them to a third championship the following year to become the first club to win the title three years in succession ; and two years after that they were runners-up .
27 Given that for every person who attends live opera , at least 1,000 more buy and enjoy reading poetry , will the Minister change his priorities and become the first legislator to acknowledge the unacknowledged legislators of the world ?
28 Thus it was that a young cosmochelonian of the Steady Gait faction , testing a new telescope with which he hoped to make measurements of the precise albedo of Great A'Tuin 's right eye , was on this eventful evening the first outsider to see the smoke rise hubward from the burning of the oldest city in the world .
29 Somalia is disintegrating into anarchy : Richard Dowden last week became the first outsider to visit the parts of Somalia controlled by anti-government guerrillas .
30 JOHN BOTTOMLEY became the first trainer to miss the new official deadline for declaring jockeys yesterday .
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