Example sentences of "about it [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was a memory he had n't known he had , and even now he knew very little about it beyond the fact that it involved him and his father and a railway tunnel .
2 You 'll probably want to talk about it without the embarrassment of having me here to listen .
3 Our eyes met and all the while we were sitting down discussing what we had to do and how we were going to go about it over the four days of the course , my gaze kept returning to the sour-faced buzzard .
4 You can tell us about it over the meal . "
5 ‘ I 'm not going to tell you about it over the phone .
6 He said he 'd think about it over the weekend , and let Paul know on the Monday .
7 He thought about it over the weekend and accepted .
8 No that was that was the Friday and as it says th well I do n't know if it says there or not , but they said what would happen , they 'd think about it over the weekend and they 'd contact me the Monday afternoon erm to make a final decision .
9 Yes , because actually thinking about it across the board , those energetic women in soaps have been married off or calmed down .
10 ‘ This is not just a ward issue , people are worried about it across the town .
11 Every family with a young man knows they may lose him to the war , and they are as furious about it as a swarm of bees .
12 Everybody 's been doing it , but they 've not thought about it as a design process and they have not usually brought people with design skills into the team to make these things happen better .
13 I liked writing but was very insecure about it as a lot of people ( NME , THE FACE etc ) took the piss out of it .
14 This means that newcomers to the union would have confidence about using it , and not feel so anxious about it as a new and untried form of credit as they might if it was instead an advertised credit institution .
15 It is debatable how far young readers should be automatising the reading skill , or attempting to think about it as a conscious act .
16 However , the difficulties of thinking about it as a whole are considerable .
17 ‘ My mother 's very interested in it , and I have to know a bit about it as a florist .
18 It needs a powerful machine to run it at a reasonable speed but even if you do n't have such a machine you need to know about it as a sign of things to come .
19 She felt Parr coming , trying to be quiet about it as a mark of respect for her lack of interest , she guessed .
20 I myself flatly refused to believe Darwin 's theory when I first heard about it as a child .
21 So it seemed to me , sir , that we need a very very special justification for this all embracing E two policy which brings me to the other thing to say about it as a general principle .
22 You can think about it and it 's very useful to think about it as a as a distance measure in a sense .
23 Talking about it as a revolution in the wider world , and how it impacts on classrooms , there has , of course , been a tremendously increased interest in using micros in schools in the last three years .
24 The north is at the bottom , and I think it helps if you stop thinking about it as a map and you think about it as a birds-eye view , a helicopter view , erm and then the whole thing begins to make sense .
25 The north is at the bottom , and I think it helps if you stop thinking about it as a map and you think about it as a birds-eye view , a helicopter view , erm and then the whole thing begins to make sense .
26 They talk about it as an expenditure and not as an investment .
27 With appropriate care and support from colleagues ( and time to ‘ heal ’ ) , there is every chance that victims of violent assaults will be able to get back to work quite quickly , complete the cycle of adjustment to the incident , and be able to incorporate their disturbing feelings about it as an accepted aspect of their work experience to learn from .
28 Or you can classify the novel according to where it was written , " West of Scotland " , and think about it as an example of writing from this locality .
29 Then I forgot about it as the carrots boiled over .
30 Many British institutions are secretive , but few are quite so patronising about it as the City .
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