Example sentences of "about [art] [noun pl] which " in BNC.

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1 Find out about the problems which can affect them .
2 A few other studies were made in the 1970s , by women , about the problems which unions raised for women as well as the problems which women raised for the unions ( Cunnison , 1983 ; Coote and Kellner , 1981 ; Stageman , 1980 ; Harrison , 1969 , 1980 ) .
3 Chairman I think this is probably the first time in this council chamber in twenty years that er I will probably have spoken on er social services issues er and I speak from an entirely private capacity and any information that er that comes my way is from what I might call informed members of the public erm , people who I come into contact with and from my own experiences as a ward councillor and from as we all do from time to time , my own family experience , my own domestic experiences and I do know something about the problems which are associated with the the care of elderly people er although I do n't have that problem now erm things have taken their course .
4 She speaks volumes about the divisions which exited when she acknowledges that ‘ Terry was more comfortable with his own kind ’ .
5 We need to be clearer about the interactions which affect this , and whether there are substantially more breakdowns when mental infirmity , especially dementia , is present in old people , or whether other factors are of equal significance .
6 Even a funeral sermon , The Failing and Perishing of Good Men ( 1663 ) , was apologetic about the controversies which had dogged his erratic career .
7 Burridge ( 1969 ) has written most persuasively about the effects which fieldwork can have on the anthropologist , describing the prophetic experience this can produce .
8 However , in common with some previous research ( Sinfield 1968 ; Norris 1978 ; Townsend 1979 ; Walker 1982a ) , the results of the After Redundancy study raised questions about the precise distinctions between economic activity and inactivity and especially about the assumptions which underlie this crude dichotomy , a point I return to later .
9 Yet in most countries there is continuing concern about the number of patients who develop a hospital-acquired infection quite unrelated to the reason for their admission ; about the accidents which happen to patients while they are in hospital ; about the perennial danger of fire in hospitals ; and about the dangers associated with the use of prescribed drugs in hospital .
10 One might take the views of the promoters of a Bill as an indication of the intention of Parliament but any view the promoters may have about the questions which later come before the court will not often appear in Hansard and often those questions have never occurred to the promoters .
11 Whatever the views of Shinwell and others about the lies which he had told about his previous career , he was evidently unsurpassed as a demagogue and agitator .
12 I find it impossible to begin to think about the phenomena which are giving you anxiety and which , I assure you , are giving me anxiety , without some elementary attempt to classify those phenomena .
13 And Riven sat beside Madra as she lay on most of the bedding they had left , with strips of cloak bound about the wounds which bit into her , and Ratagan on her other side with his face twisted in concern .
14 This was just one of several anxious comments about the changes which had occurred in population during the inter-war years .
15 Rostov thought about the hours which he had spent hooked up to the Naval Academy 's ACSC — Accelerated Combat Situation Computer — and grinned .
16 Well we 've been talking about the benefits which the local firms obviously gain from the work that 's going on here , but the question could be asked , what benefit do the academics in the University and also the students gain from the , the programme ?
17 This reluctance expressed an unusual lack of thrift on the part of men to whom it was a necessity , but the bond with the past was strong and there was some ill-defined superstition clinging about the woods which forbade the useful dismantling of these huts built , often , to accommodate up to half a dozen men through all the taxations of a northern spring , summer and early autumn .
18 Already in 1093 and 1094 , before he received the pallium , he had had two acrimonious disputes about the services which he owed the king as one of the greatest territorial magnates of the kingdom , and it was a third territorial dispute in 1097 which finally made him resolve to leave England .
19 I mean the question that has to be faced is that when you talk about cutting the costs in local government you also have to talk about the services which councils deliver , and you ca n't get something for nothing .
20 What about the skills which are very important but do n't come as a formal part of any subject , the so-called communication skills ?
21 His mother says that he talked to her about it and she tried to convince him that he was misinterpreting what he had seen and heard , but as far as I can learn John never mentioned it to anyone else until late in life , when telling Dr Schäfer about the thoughts which led him to make his ballet Spuren .
22 The designer needs to know about the tasks which his new device is intended to aid and also about the kind of person who will use it .
23 The young rabbi spoke about the tasks which God had given his prophet and Moses ' reaction to them .
24 We used to feud about the oil-leaks which would drain down the side of the.little courtyard and get under and into my flower-pots .
25 The Macari honeymoon period is in full swing and there 's a determination and self-belief about the players which has n't been visible for some time .
26 He went on to deliver a strong warning about the dangers which the " ever strengthening isolationist mood in Russia " posed for the integrity of the Soviet Union , and also stressed that a new Russian CP should aim to " consolidate " the CPSU .
27 Something about the factors which influence multi-nat location decisions .
28 When asked about the factors which influenced how and where they shopped , many older people said they would be ready to pay a little more for their purchases at shops which provided places to sit down , had lavatories and employed staff members who had the time and inclination to help them .
29 The prevention of ill-health , and to some extent the treatment of existing health problems , could improve if older people had more accurate and relevant information about the factors which contribute to good health .
30 1988 ) ; nevertheless , something must be said briefly about the factors which complicate the curriculum-employment nexus .
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