Example sentences of "about [pron] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I reckon all Thrush Green knows about them tubes of yours .
2 I forget how it was that I told Maurice Reckitt about it before Eliot , who usually received prior intelligence about my activities in this sphere .
3 The article said nothing about my answers to these critics , and nothing about the content of my actual talk at Wellesley College .
4 Read had not been particularly interested in my political book ( which I had submitted to him in fulfilment of the option clause in my contract with Routledge , so I got together some more representative pieces and sent them to Eliot , no least because he had published my article on ‘ Philosophy and Politics ’ in The Criterion , and because I had again spoken about my plans at our first meeting after the war .
5 I felt shy of talking about my feelings with Terry and Tom and wished I could have half an hour alone with Brian .
6 He said nothing to me about my fears for my sanity and behaved as if what we were doing were a common exercise , undertaken for purely scientific purposes .
7 It 's difficult to explain , but I know I 've been doing some thinking about my obligations to my parents , about where I 'm coming from and where I 'm going .
8 During the next few days I went about my duties with propriety and correctness .
9 On the way home through Canada I wrote the first few chapters of a book about my views on the tour .
10 One such is Marilyn Lawrence 's The Anorexic Experience ( The Women 's Press , 1984 ) , which I found did talk about my experiences without making me feel weirder than ever , or a mere statistic .
11 ‘ I 've enjoyed speaking to audiences about my experiences in the game , ’ he said .
12 As head of an academic department ( Economics ) at McGill University , he had interested himself in student publications in the various universities across Canada , and he had some kind things to say about my attempts at humorous prose in the weekly ‘ Adventures of Dizzy Dick ’ .
13 I was there recently , talking to Dr Lalitha Vijayam about her research on the Siberian crane 's problems and about my chances of seeing one before the Ob river race becomes extinct .
14 After a reasonable second class in Part I of the mathematics Tripos I transferred to theology : my tutor , Fred Marsh , gave me a deep love and critical understanding of the Old Testament , but was realistic about my chances in the theological Tripos .
15 well I think that , that the , the sending out of the press release immediately was , was quite correct , because obviously people had ride that , sorry people may have read that and something therefore had to be said , my personal view was that really this article is you had , if you like had undone everything that we had been trying to do , erm and put us in a bad light and it maybe my Scottish background , but I do n't like people calling in to question my motives and the companies motives , erm and I felt that it went straight to what we were really standing for , given what I explained about my thoughts in nineteen eighty seven , it was hitting straight to the core of the whole proposition and everything that stood for , erm and that is what was the great concern and because it was n't just like a , a mild slap in the face it was more like a knife in the ribs , it was therefore required a lot more thinking about as to the reaction that we would then have to come up with .
16 I got some insight into this when I was telling him about my readings in Zen , and trying to explain the principles of yin and yan .
17 Since the manufacturers of ‘ Summer 's Eve ’ have complained to you about my comments on their product , I thought I 'd copy to you this letter sent to their PR representative when she sent me literature and samples .
18 Secondly , and a slightly personal comment , one front- bencher was asked , er , about my comments in opposition to O M O V and in favour of trade union participation and he said John Edmunds is expressing his views , they are not the views of G M B members .
19 This meant the knife ; bones were broken : what about my prospects of finally climbing Minus One Direct ?
20 I might have felt a little downcast at that point , only the evening had made me feel more encouraged about my prospects with her than I 'd felt for some time .
21 As a fledgling journalist on the Yorkshire Evening Post I had written one or two bits and pieces about my jaunts into the Dales .
22 I had talked a great deal to her about my nights in Marcus .
23 If a man starts droning on about whether I 'm sisterly enough or not , I start talking about my hopes of marrying a rich , masterful husband and learning to cook Baked Alaska .
24 ‘ I suppose Iris has been telling you about my chats with ‘ the nutter ’ , as she calls him ? ’
25 ‘ And he does n't want to hear about my trees in Australia .
26 I will be running a tighter ship , and I will be speaking to each of you personally about my expectations of you .
27 This was of a piece with his fundamental conviction that the whole truth about God and about ourselves lies in Jesus Christ and must be found there .
28 A review of SSAP 13 by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants in January 1992 expressed the view that : ‘ SSAP 13 ( Revised ) was a relatively small step towards requiring companies to disclose more information about their plans for the future .
29 Because she knew she swelled and paled , in the grip of her look , she smiled even more and then invited them to start talking about their plans for their future home , which they did at once , and ceased to notice her .
30 Sometimes an extremely simple technique is sufficient — for example Coveney ( 1986 ) reports that he obtained enough data to allow him to study quantitatively different ways of expressing future time in the French verb , simply by asking speakers about their plans for the future .
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