Example sentences of "well [be] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Could it be , as Kimura ( 1977b ) suggests , that : brain regions considered to he important for symbolic-language processes might better be conceived as important for the production of motor sequences which happen to lend themselves readily to communication ?
2 Too simple a judgment perhaps : it might better be said that , manifested as the Consumers ' Movement , Co-operation had become an alternative presentation of the rights of ownership against the rights of labour , while trade unionism existed to assert the rights of labour against those of ownership .
3 There were what Cole calls difficulties , but which might better be identified as disadvantages , for the retail co-operatives in so constituting the production arm as to admit the bonus to labour .
4 ‘ It could be that it 's just something that Bob is allergic to , but it had better be investigated and some sample testing done in case we need to get on to the manufacturers .
5 During the 1970s , some political observers , recognising the unequal participation and influence of certain interests in public policy making , began to argue that British politics could better be described as " corporatist " rather than pluralist .
6 These factors might well be seen as socially beneficial .
7 Our revival of it could well be seen as defiant ; that 's why we have already commemorated the fiftieth anniversary of Aby Warburg 's death .
8 An important canvas of the autumn or early winter of 1906 , Two Nudes , now in the Museum of Modern Art , New York , could equally well be seen as two studies of a single figure viewed from diametrically opposed positions , an indication that Picasso was not only attempting to produce images of almost unprecedented weight and girth , but that he was also becoming impatient or dissatisfied with the idea of viewing his subjects from a single , stationary point of view .
9 From this it could well be said that life motivation stems from the perpetual satisfaction of recurring desire .
10 It could well be said that once the ‘ feel ’ of control is acquired then all you need is practice , and just like riding the bicycle , all the arm movements become a spontaneous impulse.But life is n't that easy , and in our experience , the ‘ prangs ’ have to be suffered before the ‘ knack ’ of dexterous control is accomplished .
11 It may well be said that the patriarchal understanding of what it means to be male is abandoned .
12 Thus crude or naive positivism might well be characterized as including no ‘ ought ’ whatever .
13 On the one hand , it may well be felt that an old person 's wish to stay with a carer should be respected unless their mental state is so gravely impaired that they literally do not know what they are doing .
14 However , within the political climate of industrialized capitalistic societies , such ‘ socialist ’ penal sanctions might well be viewed as draconian and ideologically repugnant .
15 Chairman and chief executive , Peter Bonfield , expects ICL to stay in the black during the coming year , but concedes that short-term profits may well be hit as the group invests in trying to grow market share , enter new business sectors , and undertake further restructuring to reduce its cost base .
16 But he did concede that short-term profits may well be hit as the group invests in trying to grow market share , enter new business sectors , and undertake further restructuring to reduce its cost base .
17 Finally , once the client has agreed the schedule with the agency ( which may well be done before the content of the ads is finally agreed ) , it is the media person 's job to go out into the marketplace and buy the press space , the poster sites or the TV , radio or cinema spots .
18 What appear to be facts at an early stage may well be disproved before the work is completed .
19 A measure of autonomy may well be lost and the needs for accountability for the funds could place constraints on how they are used .
20 While a person engaged in a particular event can rarely see the whole set of circumstances in clear perspective he can record the minutiae of a situation which might well be lost when the position is looked back on at a later date .
21 Yet divorced from the context of the stage and without the aid of a useful programmatic description of Lorca 's drama in the liner notes , listeners may well be baffled as to the work 's coherence as an orchestral piece .
22 The Padre , consulted as to the propriety of firing them at the enemy , had given his opinion that they could perfectly well be fired and that they , or any other such popish or Tractarian objects , would very likely wreak terrible havoc .
23 For these reasons , client managements are unlikely to welcome a going concern qualification , and their concerns may well be reinforced if such a qualification restricts management freedom of action , possibly by allowing debt covenants to be activated , restricting the freedom to pay dividends , and so on .
24 If , for example , the driver 's national insurance contributions are paid partly by the haulier it may well be presumed that the driver is an employee .
25 The question may well be asked as to why Henley Golf Club decided to record its history after 80 years existence , when more appropriate landmarks such as its Jubilee year of 1957 or its Diamond Jubilee could have been utilised .
26 It could well be asked if his is an Orthodox fiction .
27 It may well be accepted that a person who is deported should have greater protection than one who is refused entry , or that a person whose permit has expired has a lesser interest than one whose permit is revoked .
28 School library services may well be funded and managed through the recreation and leisure services department .
29 Male victims above the age of consent might well be perceived as homosexual or latently so even if they are not .
30 There are a few pairs of words ( minimal pairs ) in which a difference in meaning appears to depend on whether a particular is syllabic or not , for example : But we find no case of syllabic where it would not be possible to substitute either non-syllabic ( type a ) or ( type b ) ; in the examples above , ‘ Hungary ’ could equally well be pronounced and ‘ adulterous ’ as .
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