Example sentences of "well [subord] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I should have thought that even you knew better than to leave the car hermetically sealed .
2 However he knew better than to put the thought into words .
3 Tribe knew better than to join the attack , unarmed and gunless .
4 Carson knew better than to use the Mercedes as in-town transport-traffic and parking problems made a car into a liability during the daytime .
5 I should have known better than to take the word of any of that crowd from Donovan 's Square . ’
6 There are three strands of answer to this , each of which has much purchase ; I can do no better than to let the espousers of the three strands speak for themselves .
7 I can do no better than to draw the attention of the House to this statement in Labour 's charter for sport : ’ We will review the composition and powers of the Sports Council to free them from political bias ’ .
8 Jay was intrigued , but knew better than to ask the question direct .
9 But I know better than to interrupt the hero with my babblings ; instead I ape the satisfied cadaver .
10 For a decade until the late 1930s , people could do no better than to regard the electron as an empirical fact .
11 The IRA has always known better than to attack the security forces of the Republic , since it would instantly lose whatever support it has and could provoke the Irish government to order internment , as it did in the distant past .
12 My hon. Friend is right to say that the local income tax is not an alternative to council tax which commends itself to Conservative Members — or even to most Opposition Members , and he is right to say that anybody interested in knowing why local income tax will not work could do no better than to read the report of our proceedings in Committee .
13 No longer Deputy Chairman , she was now , officially , Design Director , to be concerned with the artistic philosophy of the group as well as to oversee the development of the new product collections .
14 The first will deal with the implications of central government attempts to ‘ Indonesianise ’ Bali through such means as administrative changes and television , as well as to examine the effects of local development programmes and the expanding tourist industry .
15 It 'll be a way to acknowledge the end of an era as well as to acknowledge the people who contributed to it over the last 20 years .
16 While all this talk of constitutional change is in the air — Kinnock proposes to abolish the House of Lords and dismember the United Kingdom , as well as to forbid the whole country from hunting — I wonder if I may make a proposal .
17 On July 23 a UN fact-finding mission was to begin a visit to the region , to assess the logistical difficulties of holding such a referendum before March 1991 , as well as to assess the scale and cost of the necessary supervision .
18 Leading indicators have the potential to assist in the correct identification of turning points , as well as to improve the accuracy of forecasting more generally .
19 De La Rozière was instructed to collect information about arsenals , shipyards and the location of British troops as well as to survey the coast between the Thames estuary and Cornwall .
20 To facilitate these demands , as well as to preserve the files of historical documents currently being transformed into machine-readable form for the use of future generations , an Historical Data Unit has been established as part of the Data Archive at the University of Essex to collect , store and disseminate machine-readable data of interest to historians ( Anderson 1992 ) .
21 A chance is given to recover past joys and heal old wounds as well as to provide the experiences which children will , in their turn , look back upon with love and affection .
22 Science teaching , like any other , hopes to make provision for this to happen , as well as to provide the necessary detailed cross-checking and testing to see whether our intuitions have been correct .
23 Oriental Rugs : A Buyer 's Guide has been systematically organized to answer all your immediate questions , as well as to provide the one source of long-term reference you will ever need .
24 We have therefore written our response to inform and stimulate debate , as well as to influence the Government 's thinking .
25 We have therefore written our response to inform and stimulate debate , as well as to influence the Government 's thinking .
26 All these people are here for John , I thought , and for us , as well as to hear the bands .
27 According to Margaret Ribble ( 1943 ) , indeed , for the newborn baby ‘ the need for contact with the mother is urgent in order to keep the reflex mechanisms connected with breathing in operation as well as to bring the sensory nervous system into functional activity ’ .
28 Regular screening is therefore advocated to determine those at greatest risk and to start treatment early ; as well as to study the natural history of duodenal adenomas .
29 The aim was to establish ongoing ways of working and of involving parents in evaluation as well as to make the nursery experience as good as possible .
30 The aim was to establish ongoing ways of working and of involving parents in evaluation as well as to make the nursery experience as good as possible .
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