Example sentences of "well [vb pp] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The better sorted the sediment of a given calibre the steeper the beach : again it is a question of permeability , the possible volume of voids and hence the permeability being greater in well-sorted sediments .
2 No man better mastered the Compression , restored to all its former threat by a combination of wind , snow and course structure .
3 And nowhere will you see better demonstrated the conditioning of Americans to fast food .
4 Atkins employed these cyanotype plates to publish the first book illustrated with photographs , pre-dating her colleague William Henry Fox Talbot 's better known The Pencil of Nature ( 1844–6 ) .
5 Jones referred to ‘ cranks — long-haired men and short-haired women ’ who formed the ( British ) Socialist Party , and explained that the title of NSP better represented the time and circumstances than SDI' because ‘ social democrat was associated with Germany and Germanic thought , and during the present war the action of most of the social democrats of Germany had made the term stink in the nostrils of most people ’ ( SE 1 June 18 ) .
6 No group in Britain better illustrated the gulf between the old professional order and the new Thatcherite ethos .
7 When Austen sat down Chaplin suggested that he had better put the question at once and on getting an affirmative shout did so .
8 Er twenty four address I suppose I 'd better put the house in there I bet I 'm not gon na get this finished in time now .
9 I Think I 'd better put the car in the garage cos I think Steve looks as if he 's gon na be cleaning erm Gavin 's go-cart .
10 It should be said , however , that the press behind the neck exercise works the upper trapezius quite heavily , so if the trapezius muscles are already well developed the exercise should be avoided .
11 In individuals in whom some mediated immunity is not well developed the growth and defemination , de defemination phase may take over altogether .
12 When the nest-cup is well formed the bird fetches lichen and weaves this on to the outside of the nest .
13 However well placed the site might be for access to trade routes , it had an unhealthy climate and was in Spanish territory .
14 Timeshare is not normally a solution SAVE would recommend for a historic house because so much of the expenditure goes on pure marketing , leaving too little for the building , but where it is well organized the outcome may be satisfactory .
15 Of Concession In He passed the exam though he was n't well prepared the clause though he was n't well prepared qualifies passed .
16 Prunus padus is well named the bird cherry , for its black fruits are high on the animal and bird menu of gastronomic delights .
17 Well done the post office .
18 But I mean these erm do it yourself places have been open for , well defied the law now for a long long time have n't they ?
19 The engineers are staggered at how well preserved the brickwork is .
20 But the difficulty is great , and the greatest danger is that if it is not well performed the music can seem banal .
21 Suppose he suggests that the Incarnation might just as well have taken a female as a male form , and the Second Person of the Trinity be as well called the Daughter as the Son … .
22 Formal paved areas in the garden provide a nice contrast to the freely curving growth of the plants but , however well laid the paving stones , tiles or bricks , sooner or later weeds sprout through the cracks , and it is either a case of weedkiller , not popular with organic gardeners , or constant weeding , which scrapes fingertips and breaks nails .
23 The result of that was that by the time I 'd rushed across the road , dashed up the stair well found the place , dashed up the stairs , I was out of breath and er had n't composed myself and I just res resembled a quivering blob that er
24 Such resistance to being well necessitated the idea of unconscious forces of guilt ; the patients sought to punish themselves through illness .
25 Knowledge of the neurotic afflictions of individuals has well served the understanding of the major social institutions , for the neuroses ultimately reveal themselves as attempts to solve , on an individual basis , the problems of wish compensation that ought to be solved socially by institutions .
26 ‘ Every sort of potato , ’ Spencer laughs , ‘ roast potatoes , mashed potatoes , baked potatoes … ’ his humour shines through constantly , of course he knows what a narrow escape it was , but he is well passed the haunting of it .
27 The output that results depends on how well structured the situation is to make use of such standard units .
28 Oh I know , he said erm , let me see , oh he says , er like that , if it was a narrow road er you er pretty well covered the road and I looked , I said , covered the road , I said I know I 'm big , but not that big a and of course everybody , the magistrates on the bench and everybody laughed , you see and there were newspaper reporters sitting down there writing all this down , you see and so I said to the sergeant , I said , would you be kind enough to send me a newspaper to er tonight and he to I am not sure if I can oh yes I think I did .
29 Your natural ability is the thing that should emerge , and if you have been well coached the coaching wo n't show .
30 Once this is well established the sticker is only awarded for passing a motion into the lavatory .
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