Example sentences of "well [vb pp] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There were experienced rescuers at the resort but doctors from the hospital were probably better placed to deal with the victims . ’
2 Ms McKeown said : ‘ No-one is better placed to look after the health of their workers than NHS employers , yet they are almost wholly negligent in this area .
3 ‘ British industry is far more productive , far more competitive , better managed and with better industrial relations , in a better tax climate than at the beginning of the 1980s , ’ he told ACCOUNTANCY , ‘ so it is better placed to benefit from economic recovery . ’
4 Of total foreign investment in Czechoslovakia over the previous 2 years only 11 per cent had gone to Slovakia , and the common perception was that the industries of the Czech Lands were in general better placed to benefit from the programme of rapid privatization emphasised by Klaus .
5 There are three reasons for this : first , women dress differently from ‘ 20 men all wearing pinstripe suits ’ , making them more memorable ; second , they offload their emotions over redundancy much more quickly , making them better prepared to look for a new position ; and third , because of the so-called ‘ glass ceiling ’ , those women who do make it to the top are ‘ slightly better ’ than their male competitors .
6 The alternative argument has it that since people and situations differ you are better equipped to deal with them if you have a wide repertoire of behaviours to draw on .
7 Begun in 1960 , in 1984 the fair moved to the ample space of the Fiera which is better equipped to deal with the growing number of visitors and exhibitors .
8 If she had been feeling fitter and healthier , she certainly would have been better equipped to deal with the stresses , and to control her weight gain before it got out of hand .
9 But do n't be fooled , because 1993 will also be a tough year but with the experience gained in 1992 , I am sure we are better equipped to deal with it and make it a very successful year for Hygiene .
10 If men naturally enjoy mathematical stimuli more than social stimuli then I would have thought they were at least equally well equipped to deal with the socially isolating position of working at home — and possibly better equipped to deal with everyday geometrical shapes such as vegetables , kitchen sinks and washing machines .
11 As potential managers they will be better equipped to deal with the complexities of management if they realize that accounting is based on judgement and not on absolutes .
12 An elderly sergeant once remarked on his experience of attending a cot death for the first time , ‘ You just have to say to yourself , the next time I will be better equipped to cope with this type of situation …
13 Moreover , these larger organisations are better equipped to arrange for training of apprentices .
14 Companies are far better equipped to compete with their international rivals than they were ten years ago ’ .
15 I was probably better equipped to compete in the Tour de France than play top class football . ’
16 I was probably better equipped to compete in the Tour de France than play top class football . ’
17 The King is better advised to deal with this himself .
18 If it is simply that ‘ our heritage is our power ’ , and women gain strength today by looking to their sisters in the past , if what interests her is the vision of an equality between women and men , Schüssler Fiorenza might well be better advised to look to other communities in the ancient Near East .
19 Therefore , long-term measures to promote sales are not feasible , and the manufacturer would be better advised to look to product improvement as part of long-term strategy .
20 It is possible to make some observations of the law relating to obscenity and indecency which indicate that , while accepting that one ought to be guided by the rule of law in censorship matters , one would be better advised to come to decisions without reference to this or that piece of obscenity or indecency legislation .
21 It , and Congress , would be better advised to concentrate on reducing America 's budget deficit .
22 What is instructive in terms of the psychology of science is the willingness with which Kammerer 's detractors were prepared to resort to fraud as an explanation for facts that had been misinterpreted as support for a counter-theory , facts which , at that point , their own theory was insufficiently well developed to account for .
23 Because MRI is particularly well developed to differentiate between lipid and water , with further development , it may be possible to simultaneously measure transit and absorption of different nutrients in the gut , an area of measurement at present not possible with existing methods .
24 He argues that the small firms sector is particularly well situated to benefit from the wider enterprise opportunities offered by the single market and should not be tied down by EC red tape .
25 Infolink is well placed to respond to this need .
26 If there was a resolution on the agenda today to increase the subscription , and I hasten to add there is n't , but if there was then that increase by convention would take effect on the first of January nineteen ninety four but the full value of the increase would not reach our income and expenditure account until the year nineteen ninety five to ninety six and this means that we are not well placed to respond to short-term financial problems .
27 By the end of the 32/33 season , the club was well placed to progress from friendlies to Junior League soccer .
28 The advisory teacher was then well placed to act as broker between the course requirements , the students and the schools .
29 There remain few available sites for development in Central Oxford , and the Radcliffe Infirmary site is well placed to serve as a logical extension of the University 's Science Area .
30 The series should ensure that Age Concern ( and its service users ) are well placed to participate in the new systems of community care .
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