Example sentences of "well [prep] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Tbilisi have 48 hours to appeal the decision but it looks as if Linfield are back in the competition — and suddenly £100,000 better off courtesy of UEFA payments and television rights .
2 When an inquiry was carried out , it was discovered that the regiments that had the most influence , either through royal or noble connections , were doing much better in respect of ammunition and supplies than some others .
3 Do you play better in front of close family ?
4 Eric of Mallion , which forms a connection between those early pathfinders and the dogs we know better by virtue of their being crowned as champions .
5 I feel I would fit in well as part of your company , and look forward to hearing from you .
6 Well as example of the kind of thing that we 've just finished doing is we 've run a course for local school teachers from East and West Sussex on using electronics in schools .
7 In 1773 when raw silk was difficult to obtain , the owner of a throwing mill in Sherborne wrote : … having discharged many of my hands which are either starving , or are become burdensome to the town , others are incessantly crying for a little work and could they obtain but a morsel of Barley-bread they are happy , they very often go days with little or no nourishment … the continued cries of the poor people complaining for want of the necessaries of life as well for want of employment is shocking indeed … and what is worse the overseers are not so bountiful to the necessitous as I could wish .
8 Well of course of course they do .
9 Gispy Fiddler put Jonjo on cloud nine with a Royal Ascot win two years ago and was having his first run for almost a year when shaping well behind Bit Of A Lark at Haydock .
10 Wayne Booth ( 1961 ) , to choose a narratological critic who deals exceptionally well with point of view , describes the interplay of inside and outside views of character as a control of distance which determines the reader 's sympathies .
11 Where mucosal protection has been shown it does not correlate well with potency of inhibition of 5-lipoxygenase and could be due to another property such as oxygen radical scavenging .
12 The servants , who did much of the living which is commemorated here , and his parents , who did so little of it , are placed well within reach of an impartial sympathy in a work which nowhere feels vindictive , and which declines to settle for any final understanding of what went on .
13 SigmaPlot 4.0 is well within reach of any research facility .
14 Ben Ami lies just five miles south of the Lebanese border , well within range of the Katyusha rockets which were then being fired by Palestinian guerrillas around Tyre and Rashidiyeh ; there were concrete air-raid shelters with iron doors between the bungalows .
15 But the channel was wide enough and deep enough to allow quite large vessels to come very close to the castle-stacks , certainly well within range of their cannon and mangonels .
16 It was the usual Friday get-together , the alcohol-free lager and prawn salad session in the pub over the road , well within range of bleeps and so heavily attended by relays of medical and senior nursing staff .
17 But , once again , let me be on the positive side because I mean there 's no doubt about it there are firms which are doing extremely well in spite of recession at the moment , and they are training people as well , but they 're not training in numbers we really need when we go across the patch as a whole .
18 If it is defective , you need to know where it is defective and how you can modify the language material contained in it , so that you can learn the language well in spite of the book !
19 public servant and they 're pretty well prot protected erm John 's firm is simply doing extremely well in spite of the recession .
20 I thank the many Conservative Members who have spoken so well in support of the Bill .
21 Virgin last night refused to comment , but estimates are that the deal could be worth well in excess of £50m , making it one of the largest investments by a Japanese organisation in a UK company .
22 Retrospectively we know that capital outflow took place on a very large scale , amounting to £1,500 million in 1947–9 , well in excess of the receipts from the US loan .
23 In each of these cases the majority of farmers have less than 1 hectare under the relevant crop , but most achieve levels of income well in excess of their neighbours who remain outside the projects .
24 Dr Mike Tooley , a University of Durham geographer , commenting on Shaw 's paper in Nature , drew attention to measured rates of end-of-Ice-Age sea-level rise well in excess of those uncovered by Fairbanks , though sustained over shorter periods .
25 A moment 's thought told him that this system worked only because two-thirds of the expected total of a Yeo Davis partnership came out at an amount well in excess of his salary , or that of any public servant of his age .
26 On the other hand , the apparent upper limit of TL dating of sediment seems to depend on the methodology used , and there is currently no consensus on the matter other than that this limit is at least 100 ka : many dates are being produced well in excess of this value , but there are rarely independent and reliable age estimates against which to compare them .
27 The company said that the potential disposals will realise ‘ well in excess of their collective book value and represent full value to shareholders ’ .
28 Similarly , those who hoped that the more flexible regulations would qualify them for grant well in excess of the traditional 75% were doomed to disappointment .
29 The VM 2.4 turbo has a good reliability record and will normally cover well in excess of 100 thousand miles .
30 On the basis of Professor Jeffery 's figures , the total bill for building all seven AGRs will have been £15 billion , well in excess of their expectation , and prompting their description as ‘ the largest loss making civil project ever undertaken in the UK ’ .
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