Example sentences of "well [conj] [pers pn] do " in BNC.

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1 Better that I do n't that I do n't be proud better live in harmony .
2 ‘ He probably thought it better that you did n't know .
3 As it lives on a diet of poll findings , it can not perform better than they do .
4 ‘ I know Nell better than they do !
5 Although there can never be any guarantees , it is frequently the case that older children enjoy working with younger ones , enjoy the responsibility they are being given , and behave much better than they do when they are working on their own .
6 I have never seen England play better than they did against Ireland and I 'm sure few other people would argue about that .
7 Their forwards will also need to scrummage far better than they did against Armary , Genet and Gallart , who had them under the cosh from the second minute .
8 Afterwards I felt ashamed that I thought I knew better than they did , especially when they were doing everything for free .
9 Nobody knew the risks better than they did .
10 Chivers , providing dynamic leadership as Derry get ready for their most important match since last year 's Ulster decider , is adamant that the side can play much , much better than they did in the McKenna climax .
11 and he treated his horse well I mean a lot of these horseman , good horseman treated the horse better than they did the wife !
12 I do n't recall hearing Robin Cook tell us that ‘ other European countries ’ manage their health services better than we do .
13 I tell you those guys eat a lot better than we do . ’
14 ‘ We 're picking clients up left , right and centre from all sorts of people who 've been charging pretty fancy fees and really failing to do any better than we do , ’ says Michael Read , head of the private client department .
15 They read our body language better than we do ourselves , and signal to us just as they would to each other .
16 But it does not at all follow from the fact that causal circumstances in a sense guarantee their effects that we can predict those effects better than we do .
17 As for Victor — you probably know his whereabouts better than we do ! ’
18 Although I 've no doubt you know better than we do what the opposition are
19 They know the short cuts and alleyways better than we do .
20 By the next Prime Minister 's Questions on Thursday she knew the policy rather better than we did .
21 Peterborough manager Chris Turner said : ‘ We could not have played better than we did tonight .
22 John Collins , again an outstanding contributor , summed up Celtic 's attitude : ‘ We were so low after Brockville , it was not hard to play better than we did there . ’
23 I feel at ease — much better than I did then . ’
24 It knew better than I did what to do .
25 She managed this better than I did , presumably having had practice and certainly having the advantage of knowing in advance that she stuck out about eighteen inches in front of where she ought to have been .
26 Two members of the band posed with a laughing Mr Brooke , who said : ‘ I know them considerably better than I did 15 minutes ago , ’ — but he declined to offer a rendition of any of their songs .
27 ‘ They knew him much better than I did .
28 After considerable reflection , a discussion of the match with a wide circle of friends , a session with a sports psychiatrist , and two calls to the Samaritans , I decide that I lost because Martin played much better than I did .
29 Friday chose the tree himself — he understood wood better than I did — and we cut it down .
30 You spent so much time with her , I felt she even knew you better than I did .
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