Example sentences of "well [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Even a glance at the map shows that the French would at this time have been strategically much better placed without Verdun , for withdrawal would have straightened and shortened their line , thus strengthening it .
2 It seems rather ironic that Stratford Mill , which was better placed for access to the transport system and a water supply , should be the first to go .
3 The right hemisphere is largely non-verbal , though right-sided speech centres are better developed in women than in men .
4 The appointment of a practice manager was regarded as important by a third of firms with over fifty staff and the findings show that management systems tend to be much better developed in firms where decision making is in the hands of a single practice manager rather than , for example , in committee meetings of the whole partnership .
5 And he did n't tease her , or court her , or divert her , because what she had done was risk death , which was a thing better honoured by abstinence .
6 ‘ I think you 'd better stay at home , ’ Otley cautioned .
7 I 'm afraid your uncle is very ill and will probably die soon , so I think you had better stay in England , until you receive further news of him . ’
8 ‘ He 'd say , ‘ Listen , Joey , if you want to write a Homeboy , you 'd better stay in school . ’ ’
9 Management skills and systems development to ensure efficient use of resources in a more dispersed service and better targeting of health need
10 In Cambridge , J. M. Winter of Pembroke College , argued that infant mortality data were better explained in terms of long run socioeconomic changes than short-term fluctuations .
11 There is , however , powerful ethnographic evidence to challenge this explanation and to suggest that the ‘ institutionalised greater respect ’ for written language in England can be better explained in terms of political and ideological practices in the real history of that country .
12 On his present form we really would have been better sticking with Chappie .
13 ‘ There 's a water main burst down by Lime'ouse Church so yer 'd be better goin' via Cable Street .
14 For example , patients who have induction of EADs and replication of their ventricular tachyarrhythmias during infusion of phenylephrine but not of isoproterenol might be better treated with alpha-blockers than with beta-blockers .
15 In addition , the older pupils ‘ were significantly more socially acceptable among their peers , were less anxious , had a higher self-image and were rated by teachers as being better adjusted to school . ’
16 Members experience less work-related stress and are better adjusted to life in the organization .
17 If , in an unregistered title , a company is one of the parties to a title deed , search after exchange , on investigating title ; but when buying direct from a company , better to search before exchange to confirm that the company has power to sell under its articles , etc .
18 Bright clear days when the Alps can be seen are rare , ( and the more pleasurable for being so ) , and if you want such days you had better come in spring or autumn when the heat haze is reduced .
19 Aye , you 'd better jump in bed with him ,
20 A better buy at Boots
21 The Faulks Committee would have done better to concentrate on methods for speeding up libel hearings .
22 When his breathing returned to a steady pace , he said coolly , ‘ We 'd better pack after breakfast . ’
23 Phil Philips , deputy secretary of the British Hotels , Restaurants and Caterers Association , said : ‘ People in the industry are much better educated about AIDS than they were in 1987 . ’
24 Some of the subjects like science and history have attempted to be positive in the curriculum content so that the children attain the targets for the subjects , but also become better educated in terms of quality issues .
25 The north side is formed by the Five Sisters , four being above the qualifying 3000 feet ; on the south side , they are even more prolific , seven Munros in a line , with two more better approached from Shiel Bridge .
26 At the head of Loch Monar is a cluster of Munros better approached from Craig , near Achnashellach on the A.890 , where a forest road leads up to open deer pastures and continues as a rough cart track to Glenuaig Lodge in the heart of the mountains .
27 Before you leave , you 'd better apologize to Simon , ’ she said .
28 In contrast , the counter-insurgency specialists had never been better prepared with schemes and theories .
29 Actual claims were a little over £300m because claims for loss of business were smaller than expected ; firms were better prepared for disaster than insurers had thought .
30 No , I did not raise the topics of the previous evening ; some nurturing is better accepted without reservation .
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