Example sentences of "two [noun pl] [vb -s] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The difference between the two institutions resides precisely in the fact that currency realignment is possible in one case , but not in the other .
2 Linking the two cases does not promote planning , since the link is in any case controversial , and flexibility is improved by separating them .
3 Pausanias does not consider the authorship of the metopes , but the difference of approach we noticed between the two groups corresponds so exactly to the difference between the gables that we can safely postulate one designer for the sculptures at each end of the building ; but can it be one man who designed both ?
4 The question of merging the two clubs has already arisen twice in the three years since Redbridge became tenants at Victoria Road .
5 There are high concentrations in the top fifteen inches , but when we get below the next layer , the concentrations become very much less and the ratio of the two concentrations does n't change very much .
6 One social scientist pointed out that the weighting of the two subjects does not have to be equal :
7 An association between two variables does not infer causality and if one feature is associated with better glycaemic control it may not be the case that its widespread introduction will improve control .
8 A simple , non-invasive method which could be used in clinical pharmacology to monitor the close relationship between these two variables has so far been lacking .
9 And beneath , the copy-writers had reared a paradox that would have delighted Lewis Carroll : ‘ The family with two cars gets twice as many chores completed , so there 's more leisure to enjoy together ! ’
10 The choice between these two coevolutions does n't come about through advance planning .
11 Miss Goody Two Shoes has n't been to work for a week apparently .
12 Similar disparity between the two disorders has also been reported for serum IgG subclass concentrations .
13 your A fifty nine relief road proposal pursues two functions does n't it ?
14 But the good work that is done in those two areas does not integrate the two very different types of science : the claim that geography is an integrating discipline is both unsustainable and diversionary .
15 The difference between these two senses lies simply in the fact that loosening the nexus allows the main clause to be interpreted more as a consequence of the actualization of the contingent event expressed by the infinitive than as a judgement on the appropriateness of its occurrence .
16 The creation of these two kingdoms seems quite anomalous at the earlier conquest phase , as has hitherto been assumed .
17 Thus , according to our definitions , unc whilst unc and so , unless unc and unc are just other names for 3 and 1 w are in the intolerable situation that a sum or product of two classes depends not only on which the classes are but also on what we choose to call them !
18 But the momentum of reducing waits of over two years does not seem to have been sustained beyond the election and might be partially offset by a rise in waits of between one and two years .
19 Well , your , your mum 's been down here two years has n't she ?
20 The reduction in training places over the last two years has also meant that firms can now pick the cream of the universities ' output .
21 The stark juxtaposition of these two statements sums up the whole dilemma facing arts teachers , and consequently illustrates the central issue I want to discuss in this chapter .
22 This is n't important but the similarities in the aesthetic natures of the two bands remains blatantly obvious .
23 But the association between the two Banks dates back to the founding of the Royal in 1727 when Andrew Drummond acquired stock in the new banking enterprise .
24 The identity of the other two businesses has not yet been revealed .
25 The temptation to equate the two positions relies apparently on two things : on the fact that in each case we have an adjective and a noun or noun phrase , and on the supposition that attributive adjectives and predicative adjectives all share the referential locus of the head noun to which they are related .
26 This difference between the two structures accords very closely with the fact that while we can readily use nouns ( including even proper names ) in the prenominal attributive position to qualify other nouns , we seldom find the corresponding nouns distributed across subject and post-copular position : ( 3 ) the Atlanta flight his St. Francis medallion ( 4 ) the flight is Atlanta This medallion was St. Francis
27 Wright comments : " Comparison of the two passages shows clearly that while Malcolm focuses on the basilect , Tania 's narrative is more diffuse .
28 Each of the two passages raises rather different problems , and together they will enable us to connect the issues of counterfactual analysis and voluntarism which have so far been treated separately .
29 Such an immaculately synchronised performance between two figures seeks totally to control and condition our attention .
30 The existence of the two suites argues strongly against the royal apartment interpretation .
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