Example sentences of "then by [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The mill was powered then by a steam engine , the coal for which had to be carried from the
2 We also going to identify at an early stage the financial resources that will be in next year in order to meet our obligation with identifying worthwhile all the time and then by a course of are reserved er to , to support
3 His Sunday League 104 on his debut against Lancashire was followed by a match-awardwinning 74 against Norfolk in the NatWest Trophy , and then by a top-scoring 59 in his next Sunday match against Derbyshire .
4 We went to England early in 1919 , travelling by train to Jibuti and then by a Union Castle boat to Marseilles .
5 The first group contains a wave singly scattered by the adatom , denoted as , and all the waves doubly scattered first by the adatom and then by a substrate atom , denoted as as , i , where i is a substrate atom near the adatom , and the summation is over all the doubly scattered waves with sufficient large amplitudes .
6 It was the decaying thatched cottage known as Gilbard 's which stood at the top of Lime Street in Stowey , and which had been occupied until then by a widow called Elizabeth Rendell .
7 Otherwise he was educated at home , at first by his mother and then by a succession of tutors .
8 Chasseguet-Smirgel ( 1985 ) suggests that a woman 's ego-ideal is constructed first by identification with the mother , and only then by a redefinition of herself as the father 's wife .
9 When I er er were in the tool room at , Newark at the age of twenty one plus , you see , not twenty two er I was approached then by a shop steward who worked on the bench , was a fitter .
10 The comparison was naive in its failure to recognise the burden borne by working class wives , but Becker was rebelling primarily against the idea that the middle class woman should be ‘ kept ’ , if not by a husband then by a father , brother , or other male relative .
11 It is followed by a section on specific entry requirements and then by a section for each of our eight faculties giving a description of the courses offered and of any special arrangements which apply to a particular faculty .
12 I shall be taken to implicate that he has only fourteen and no more because had he had twenty , then by the maxim of Quantity ( " say as much as is required " ) I should have said so .
13 The Council for the Protection of Rural England have warned that if current destruction rates continue then by the year 2025 , 50% of the 5000 SSSIs will be irrevocably damaged .
14 ‘ If the number of candidates keeps rising at the present rate ’ , he said , ‘ then by the year 2010 the entire population of the world will have a SCOTVEC National Certificate ! ’
15 All he had been able to envisage was his mother , so slight and fair , being mounted first by Dadda and then by the lorry driver .
16 The first of these survives only in the form of a writ sent out by Edward I on 14 November 1279 , informing his judges that henceforward no religious or other person should receive any land in perpetuity , on pain of seizure by the chief lord , or , if he should neglect to do so , then by the king himself .
17 History is the arena in which , first through the period of the Old Testament , then by the teaching of Jesus in the New , the way has been prepared for the gradual purifying and refining of man 's religious sense which will lead to a third , future era , in which religious values will be seen to shine in their own light as ‘ necessary truths of reason ’ .
18 The second group consists of all the waves doubly scattered first by a substrate atom and then by the adatom , denoted as , and all the multiply scattered waves involving the adatom at least once , denoted as , as shown in Fig. 1 b .
19 At least , in those extraordinary days between Hiroshima and the declaration of Vietnamese independence , hardly anyone , except the French garrison who were still imprisoned , first by the Japanese and then by the Vietminh , could be found to contradict this assumption of power and by the time it took place , or at least was claimed , another thread in the French connection had been broken .
20 To all intents and purposes , that is , because although the French garrison in Hanoi was still there it was imprisoned in the citadel and guarded , first by the Japanese , and then by the Vietminh .
21 The same action was taken in the United Kingdom only on 1 October 1975 , and then by the manufacturer , ICI , not by CSM .
22 This is undertaken by the Cabinet , the Cabinet Secretariat and then by the Treasury .
23 Thomas Knowlton ( 1691–1781 ) , a gardener employed first by William Sherard and then by the Earl of Burlington , wrote to Samuel Brewer in 1741 , ‘ as to Miller he does not look at poor men , only a lord or a duke is company for him ’ .
24 The research is aimed at drawing on the history of Soviet economic relations with the LDCs as a basis for monitoring the changes brought about first by ‘ perestroika ’ and then by the disintegration of the USSR ; it will then analyse the effect on the developing countries concerned and evaluate the profit and loss account of their economic relations with the Soviet Union ; it will also look at the relevance of these relations to the Soviet economy and that of the constituent republics ; and finally it will try to look at the future prospects of the relationship between the less developed countries and the individual republics of the former Soviet Union .
25 In the first place , I always threatened the orchestra that if they played too loudly I would simply lower them by ten centimetres ; and if they continued , then by the end of the first act they would be in the dungeon .
26 Then by the end of the year came sharp fiscal and monetary restrictions .
27 The position is , looking at appendix one , and if you take the first triangle , which has got nineteen ninety three , ninety four below it , that 's showing that we started off with no clients , and then by the end of the year we expect to have a number of people in our care , receiving services , to which we have a degree of commitment .
28 I just did half and half and then I built up with the second couple of days then I did twenty minutes and then by the end of the week I went twenty five minutes half an hour .
29 Yeah Emily was trying it on again this morning , I think it 's just that she gets tired cos she feels slothlike in the morning and then by the end of the day she 's over like a rocket
30 Yeah , but it freezes that quick that when it falls overnight and then by the morning it frozen so hard that you can walk on top of it
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