Example sentences of "then turn to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Part VII then turns to matters concerning annual accounts .
2 Hidden by her handmaids she is seen to blush , then turns to Actaeon and throws water in his face to blind him , to stop him seeing her naked , but that is not enough and she knows it is not enough , and soon he feels the horns growing on his forehead , dat sparso capiti vivacis cornus cervis , she caused to grow on his head the horns of the long-lived stag , as if the cost of seeing her naked had to be death , first metamorphosis then death .
3 When she does , he finds a shirt , puts it on , then turns to Isaac , who is playing with one of Asaad 's toy cars .
4 It takes forty minutes to walk from Dhang station to the farm along a road which starts as a stony track then turns to mud .
5 Serafine tips Miranda back against the pillows in the position of sleep , and gently pulls the thumb out of her mouth , shaking her head and smiling , ‘ No ’ , then turns to Xanthe , smooths her hair , for she is already drifting , eyes half-closed .
6 Azadi looked at him scathingly , then turned to Shamlou .
7 Gloria stared , her mouth agape , then turned to Ruth in bewilderment .
8 He slapped Bicker on the back , staggering him , then turned to Riven .
9 He paused , then turned to Edouard .
10 Jennings smiled at her approvingly , then turned to Jim Fletcher .
11 She gave a horrified gasp as she listened , then turned to Sophie .
12 ‘ I 'm sure we 'll discover the cause by morning , ’ d'Alembord said , then turned to Lucille to offer her a glass of wine .
13 ‘ Please , feel free , ’ Mobuto replied then turned to Whitlock .
14 ‘ I 'm famished , ’ Philpott said , then turned to Sabrina .
15 Graham shoved Laidlaw away from him then turned to Sabrina and untied her hands .
16 Leila called , and then turned to Roirbak who mouthed silently , ‘ Let her go . ’
17 Ana stood up and waved , smiling down , and then turned to Maggie .
18 He captured Moulineuf after a siege of ten days and then turned to Angoulême itself .
19 Fran stared after him , then turned to Fred , her eyes bright with suspicion .
20 Silas watched her go , then turned to Lucy .
21 The girl gave Black a weak smile , then turned to Gina and whispered ,
22 She sent a baleful glare towards Lucy , then turned to Silas again .
23 He spoke briefly , listened briefly , then turned to McKenzie who was at the tiller .
24 Jimmy returned the look , and then turned to Barbara .
25 He nodded at Ranulf and the lay brother then turned to Corbett .
26 Jessamy heaved her bag of sketch-pads and pencils off the back seat , then turned to Julius .
27 ‘ I 'll have that , ’ said Ricky , then turned to Daisy .
28 ‘ Dave , shut up , ’ Laidlaw snapped then turned to Graham beside him .
29 Adam nodded , then turned to Elinor .
30 Mariot came to kiss her brother , then turned to Ramsay .
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